Surgery for Hair Loss

Surgery for Hair Loss: Hair loss which is identified by baldness or thinning of hair can happen because of various reasons. At times, hair loss can be a reflection of some underlying disease or health condition. When experiencing hair loss, it is important to first understand the reason for determining the treatment. Seeing a dermatologist can help in finding out the root cause of the problem. Dermatologists can also help with hair loss prevention and renewing growth.

For individuals suffering from severe hair loss, hair transplant surgery can prove to be helpful. It is a safe procedure which can help in achieving new hair growth. After an initial consultation, the a hair transplant surgeon will recommend if hair transplant is needed and also explain the procedure as well as the type of procedure required in the candidate’s specific case.

Here’s a look at some common reasons contributing to hair loss:

Nutritional Deficiency

A deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can also lead to hair loss and reduced hair growth. Zinc, protein, biotin, iron, etc contribute to good hair health.

Hormonal Imbalance

Excessive androgens can lead to hormonal imbalance which is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Androgens lead to male and female pattern baldness. In female- pattern baldness androgens can cause weak hair follicles and excessive shedding. Male pattern baldness is caused by an increase in DHT androgen. It can stop hair growth and decrease the overall span of the hair.


Hair loss can also happen as a side effect of some medications. It is known as drug-induced hair loss.

Oral contraceptives, blood-thinning medicines, drugs for depression, beta and calcium channel blockers, and anti-inflammatory, can all lead to hair thinning or baldness.

Thyroid Issues

Other types of hormone-associated issues can also cause hair loss. An under active thyroid or an overactive thyroid can lead to hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. Thyroid hormones regulate almost every function in the body which includes hair growth as well.


Stress can also trigger hair loss. Mental strain caused from disease or emotional trauma can lead to hair loss. Hair fall is also common during recovery from illness. Hair falls after a stressful event can occur within 3 to 6 months.

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Breast Implant Procedure

Breast implant surgery: In the last two decades, cosmetic surgeries have increased in our country. Firstly, one of the popular cosmetic surgeries is breast augmentation which helps in increasing the size of the breasts. Secondly, with the help of breast implants, women can achieve the desired shape and size of their breasts. It improves the aesthetic appearance and boosts confidence.

The breast implant surgery also helps in making the breast appear fuller and toned.

Breast Implant Procedure

The surgeon makes an incision after discussion with the patient. There are three types of incisions namely:

  1. Inframammary incision which is made in the crease under the breast
  2. Transaxillary incision which is made in the armpit
  3. Periareolar incision which is made near the nipple.

The type of incision depends on the type of implant, patient preference, and their anatomy. The breast implants are placed inside a pocket. There are two types of implant placements.

  1. A submuscular placement is done under the pectoral muscle. Recovery might take some time and the patient might experience more pain after the procedure.
  2. A submammary/ subglandular placement is done behind the breast tissue over the pectoral muscle.

The last step of the procedure is closing the incision with stitches or layered sutures in the breast tissue. Further, skin adhesives and surgical tapes will help in keeping the incision closed.

The incision lines might be visible initially, but they will fade away over the time.

Types of Breast Implants

There are three different types of breast implants.

  1. Saline Implants

The saline implants are filled with a sterile saline solution such as salt water. Furthermore, the solution is placed inside a silicone shell. They can be filled with different amounts of saline solution. Moreover, it has an impact on the firmness, feel, and shape of the breasts. If at the saline solution leaks, it will get absorbed and expelled naturally by the body.

2. Silicone-gel-filled Implants

To begin with, this type of implant comes with a silicone outer shell filled with silicone gel inside. If the silicone gel leaks, it will escape into the breast implant pocket or stay inside the shell. The leaking silicone shell may collapse or might remain the same. Patients with this type of implant must regularly check with the cosmetic surgeon near you.

3. Alternative Composite Implants

The implant might be filled with polypropylene string, soy oil, or other material.

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Laser hair removal procedure

Laser hair removal procedure is one of the most common procedures in the present day and age. It helps in getting rid of unwanted body hair. Laser is a better option as compared to waxing and shaving. Laser hair removal helps in reducing hair growth over a period of 6-8 sessions, depending on the hair growth. The procedure treats areas such as arms, legs, face, back, and bikini. The procedure is safe but you might experience some burning sensation that subsides within a few hours.

What Is Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

Laser machine hair removal is a non-invasive way of reducing hair growth without any hassle and pain. The procedure uses a selective photothermolysis. Heat ray from the laser destroys cells which have a lot of pigment. Darker hair usually has more pigment therefore it absorbs most of the heat. Hair transfers heat to the hair follicles and destroys them.

The hair follicle must be in the anagen or growth stage for the laser procedure to be effective. Since the follicles are in different stages of growth, most individuals would require several laser sessions.

Who Can Get Laser Hair Removal?

Anyone who wishes to get rid of body hair can choose laser treatment for hair removal. It’s a cosmetic procedure which helps in improving appearance as well as offers a positive self-image. With laser hair removal, one doesn’t need to save or wax regularly. Laser hair removal helps in treating excessive hair growth due to:

  1. Hirsutism- It is a condition where women grow darker or coarse hair in areas where usually men grow hair.
  2. Hypertrichosis- It is a condition when women or men grow excessive hair on any part of their bodies.

These conditions can be a result of the following:

  1. They can be triggered due to some medications such as birth control pills or anabolic steroids.
  2. Excessive hair growth is a result of hormonal imbalance which is caused by an increase in testosterone or androgen levels.
  3. It can be caused because of inherited disorders which are conditions passed on from parents to their children.
  4. Excessive hair growth can be due to PCOD- Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  5. Tumors that produce hormones.

Laser hair removal near me is found to be the most effective for people who have lighter skin with coarse, thick, and darker hair. It can also work for individuals with darker skin and lighter hair. The contrast between skin and hair color helps the hair in absorbing heat well.

Who Is Not A Good Candidate For Laser Hair Removal?

It is better to discuss your concerns and queries about laser hair removal in Ahmedabad with a cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad before getting the treatment done. After an initial consultation, the doctor will suggest if you are the right candidate for laser. You must avoid getting laser hair removal if:

  1. You are taking medicines for acne treatment.
  2. You are pregnant.
  3. Have genital herpes
  4. Are prone to cold sores
  5. Have raised scars
  6. Have or had a history of skin cancer

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Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction treatment is also known as reduction mammaplasty. It is also a surgical procedure aimed at removing excess tissue, fat, and skin from the breasts. Firstly, a woman can opt for breast reduction surgery for decreasing the size of the breasts. Most women suffer from sagging breasts in the middle age or after pregnancy.

Sagging or heavier breasts can lead to severe neck and back pain, nerve pain, chronic rash and irritation of the skin, difficulty in daily routine and restricted activity. If a woman feels uncomfortable because of the large breasts, they can opt for breast reduction surgery. The surgery offers several benefits such as proportionate body shape, improved confidence, and ease of performing physical activities.

Bigger breasts can also lead to issues such as skin irritation or discoloration under the breasts due to sweating. The surgery is a good choice for women with bigger breasts owing to the higher success rate. Most candidates share that the recovery is quick and symptoms are relieved within a few days after the surgery. The risks if any are rare and minimal.

Breast Reduction Procedure

The breast reduction treatment is performed via an incision on the breasts. It removes the excess fat, glandular tissues, and skin from the breasts.  The first step is administering anesthesia. It includes anesthesia. The cosmetic surgeon will recommend the best option for you.

The next step is making the incision. They remain visible as they are permanent scars. However, they easily get concealed beneath a bra or swimsuit. An incision is made in a keyhole shape around the areola vertically down the breast crease.

The next phase is removing the tissue and repositioning it. After the incision, the nipple is re positioned. The areola size is reduced by excising the skin at the perimeter if required. 

Underlying breast tissue is reduced, shaped, and lifted. In some cases, for extremely large breasts, the nipples and areola might need to be removed and transplanted to a higher position on the breasts.

The last stage in the procedure is putting the incision together for reshaping it to smaller breasts. The sutures are layered deep inside the breast tissues for creating and supporting the newly shaped breasts, or surgical tapes close to the skin. Incision lines are permanent but slightly fade away or improve over the time.

While the results are visible immediately, the swelling will resolve within some time. As you recover, the confidence will keep on improving.

Breast Reduction Recovery

It might take almost 1-2 weeks to recover from the surgery. The patient might need to take off from work for at least one week. It is recommended not to engage in any household work, exercise, or lifting heavy weight. You should avoid driving until it is no longer painful to wear a seat belt which might take 7-10 days. While this is short-term recovery, long term recovery might take 1-2 months. Each phase during the recovery is unique depending upon the intensity of the surgery.

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Is There a Way to Remove Gynecomastia Naturally?

Gynecomastia Treatment: Male breast enlargement is known as Gynecomastia. It is a condition where a guy develops excessive breast tissue which gives a breast like appearance. Usually, the condition can be treated with a breast reduction surgery that aims to reduce the mass of the tissue in the breasts. However, gynecomastia can be treated in a natural way also. They may or may not help in getting rid of the enlarged breast, but one can definitely try them.

Causes of Gynecomastia

  1. Andropause
  2. Puberty
  3. Drugs
  4. Excessive weight gain
  5. Hormonal imbalance

Natural ways to get rid of gynecomastia may take longer as compared to surgical options. Here’s a look at the alternative solutions to gynecomastia surgery:

Improve Diet

Eating a balanced diet helps in ensuring that the body receives the required nutrients and that testosterone production is optimized. The right kind of diet also helps in lowering the fat percentage in the body. Nutrients that stimulate the production of testosterone are Vitamin D, protein, and Zinc. Foods that help in boosting testosterone levels are egg yolks, oysters, and tuna fish.

Tips for Right Exercise

It is a common myth that spot reduction of fat is possible with specific exercises. It is important to lose overall weight to reduce fat from any part of the body. Include aerobic exercises in the workout routine for lowering the fat percentage in the body. More than the type of exercise, the duration and intensity are important.

Some exercises which can prove to be helpful are brisk walking, skipping, jogging, rowing, swimming, dancing, etc. Pushups are one of the best ways to build chest muscle without the need for equipment.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

It has been observed that the consumption of alcohol can lead to breast enlargement in men. Limiting or avoiding alcohol is recommended.

Steroids/ Drugs

Steroids or certain types of drugs can increase the risk of developing enlarged breasts. It is better to avoid them.

Lose Weight

Losing weight is advised for a male suffering from gynecomastia. Weight loss helps in reducing the size of the breast. However, it alone can’t help in fully eliminating the excess breast tissues.

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How to Prepare for Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplantation procedure has become a common surgery for men who are suffering from excessive hair loss. If other treatments and medications fail to show positive results, hair transplant can help. Though it is becoming a common surgery, there is still a lack of awareness among people. Just like any other surgery, there are some Dos and Don’ts that the candidates need to follow before the procedure.

Here’s a look at some information on how to prepare for the hair transplantation procedure:

It is better to do some research about the hair transplant procedure before proceeding ahead. Even before getting the consultation from the hair transplant doctor, some research should be performed to gain knowledge. Apart from gathering knowledge about the procedure, it is recommended to research the cosmetic surgeon near you as well.

  1. Look for the qualification of the doctor. The hair transplant surgeon must have training and significant experience in hair transplant surgery.
  2. Check for how long they have been in the healthcare industry and how many surgeries they have performed.
  3. Check the results, reviews, and before/ after pictures of the previous patients.

Are any Blood Tests Required?

Once the initial consultation has been done with the doctor, they might ask for some routine tests such as CBC, bleeding time, random blood sugar, HCV, clotting time, PT, ECG, APTT, HBs AG, etc. These are basic tests that are performed for ensuring that any medical issue doesn’t remain undetected and create complications during the surgery. The cosmetic surgeon decides the further course of action based on these tests.

Precautions to Take Before the Surgery

  1. You need to stop smoking at least 24 hours before the procedure. Smoking can negatively impact healing and recovery. If you are not able to completely give up smoking, put it on hold for some time till the surgery is done and the healing and recovery phase is over.
  2. Avoid alcohol consumption in the days before the surgery. If possible, don’t have alcohol a week before the hair transplant surgery.
  3. It is suggested to not have a haircut before the surgery. Allow the donor area to grow so that there is enough hair for the transplant. Having good hair growth also helps in hiding the stitches after the surgery.
  4. Try massaging your scalp on a regular basis at least 2-4 weeks before the surgery. Massage for at least 10 minutes every day. It helps in softening the skin as well as improving the skin tone. Massaging also helps with increasing the blood flow in the scalp.

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Effective ways to Get Liposuction.

Types of Liposuction: Liposuction is a common cosmetic procedure which helps in getting rid of fat from a particular area. Liposuction is popular among both women and men. You can get stubborn fat removed from areas such as the tummy, arms, buttocks, thighs, etc. Liposuction helps in contouring these areas.

Who is the Right Candidate to Get Liposuction?

You need to be eligible to get the Liposuction in Ahmedabad done. Liposuction is not a weight loss technique. It is not meant for obese or overweight people. Liposuction is suitable only for individuals who are near their ideal weight but finding it hard to lose fat from stubborn areas. Liposuction helps in achieving the perfect contour.

How is Liposuction Done?

The cosmetic surgeon will discuss about your medical history and medications before the surgery. They will recommend stopping any blood thinners and getting some tests done.

During the procedure, the doctor makes circles and lines on the area to be treated. There are different types of methods for liposuction and the procedure depends on the type chosen. The surgeon chooses an appropriate method depending on the desired goals and the area to be treated.

The best cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad might use anesthesia or sedate the patient via IV for keeping them relaxed and calm. Essentials such as blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels are monitored. The procedure lasts for a few hours and the patient wakes up in the recovery room. After spending a few hours in the clinic or staying overnight, the patient is discharged.

Expect some swelling and pain after the procedure but it will subside within a few weeks. You will have to refrain from strenuous activities and wear a compression garment. It might take some days to resume your routine and workout. Some contour irregularities are common while the fat settles into the position. You will have to visit the clinic for a follow-up.

Types of Liposuction

  • Tumescent Liposuction

It is one of the common types of liposuction. Firstly, a sterile solution is injected for aiding the fat removal. Then, it works as an anesthetic and pain reliever as well. Also, the surgeon makes a small incision in the skin and inserts a thin tube called a cannula. The cannula is connected to a vacuum which sucks the fat and fluids from the body. The fluids are replenished via IV.

  • Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction

This type of liposuction is used in conjunction with conventional liposuction. Further, the surgeon inserts a metal rod which emits ultrasonic energy under the skin. Then, it ruptures the fat cells and breaks the fat down for easy removal. Finally, the newer generation of UAL is known as VASER liposuction for improving skin contouring.

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What Can Brazilian Butt Lift Do?

A Brazilian butt lift is a procedure that is meant for improving the appearance of the buttocks. It also removes fat from other areas of the body like liposuction. However, Brazilian butt is different from facelift or breast lift procedures. Moreover, brazilian butt lift adds volume to the buttock and improves its shape. However, the procedure doesn’t help in improving sagging skin or removing excess skin. For sagging or excess skin, you must discuss it with your board-certified cosmetic surgeon and consider getting a butt lift. Usually, cosmetic surgeons perform Brazilian Butt.

What Can Brazilian Butt Lift Do to Your Body?

During the butt lift procedure, the cosmetic surgeon near you removes fat deposits from the other areas of the body and inserts them into the area around the butt. Furthermore, ater the healing procedure, the candidate will have a bigger butt that will have an enhanced appearance and symmetrical shape. The areas from where the fat is removed have smooth body contours.

Who is a Good Candidate for Brazilian Butt?

Getting the Brazilian butt done can be a personal decision. For some people, it can be empowering to have a desired body shape. Just like other parts of the body such as the tummy, breast, or face, for some women, it can be equally important to have a great posterior.

The following can be considered a good candidate for Brazilian Butt:

  1.  They should be finished developing
  2. They are in a great physical condition
  3. Have realistic expectations from the results
  4. Have excess body fat in other areas of the body to be transferred to the butt area

For women who don’t have sufficient fat in other parts of the body, butt implants can be a suitable choice.

How Long Does The Brazilian Butt Last?

The procedure offers semi-permanent results. The Brazilian Butt results can last for several years or even a decade without the need for follow-up treatments. But, over the years the body witnesses some changes as a part of growing up.  This can affect the results. It is essential to maintain a consistent weight for retaining the results of the Brazilian Butt.

Are Brazilian Butt Lifts Common?

In recent years, Brazilian Butt has become a common procedure and gaining popularity. There were lakhs of procedures performed across the globe before the pandemic. Though the pandemic has affected the figures a bit, there are still a consistent number of people opting for the elective procedure.

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