Lifestyle Changes After Breast Augmentation- What You Need to Know

For women who are not happy with the appearance of their breasts, breast augmentation is no less than a boon! It helps achieve the desired shape, size, and volume of breasts. Apart from improving appearance, breast enlargement also helps improve confidence and has a positive psychological impact on women.

There are different types of breast enlargement treatment, and the choice depends on various factors. Usually, a board-certified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya helps candidates choose the proper treatment and implant based on their preference and desired results. An excellent cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad of any breast implant clinic offers a thorough insight to the candidate so that they can make an informed decision regarding the kind of implants and what suits them the best!

Women commonly choose both saline and silicone implants. The kind of implant one selects is an individual choice. Overall, both the implants are safe. However, silicone breast implants enjoy incredible popularity. They can easily last 10 to 20 years and offer a natural look. They are softer and malleable in texture.

Once the boob augmentation procedure has been done, it is essential to follow some precautions and make a few lifestyle changes as prescribed by the breast implant surgeon in Ahmedabad. It helps in better recovery and enjoying the lasting benefits of the procedure.

Here’s a look at some lifestyle changes that patients must adopt in the recovery weeks and months following the procedure:

  1. Sleep in a Reclining Position for a Week

After the breast augmentation procedure, the candidate will experience some pain and swelling near the incision. Sleeping in a reclining or upright position helps the patients reduce breast swelling. It also significantly reduces the duration of swelling. After a week, the doctors will allow you to sleep flat on the back. It is advised to avoid sleeping on the sides for at least two weeks and on your abdomen for at least six weeks after the surgery.

2. Avoid Still Water

    One of the main concerns that can lead to complications during the recovery phase is swimming or bathing in pools or tubs that have still water. Standing water submerges the incisions and might lead to infections or complications during recovery. A cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad will recommend that the candidate avoid bathing or swimming for at least six weeks.

    Partially healed incisions are still at the risk of infection if exposed to still water. Though it is asked to avoid submerging water, showers and cleanliness are essential. The patient must shower a day after the procedure. The incision should be cleaned with water and soap daily to avoid infection.

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    Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat- Transformative Results with Vaser Liposuction

    Body contouring procedures have become common and acceptable in recent years. There are several techniques for body contouring, and Vaser liposuction is the most innovative one. It is a minimally invasive method for liposuction that uses advanced ultrasound technology to target and remove stubborn fat effectively. It helps in enhancing the body contours in a precise manner.

    Vaser liposuction surgery is known for its impactful and immediate results. The procedure has been considered a game-changer for women and men looking for a transformative solution with no minimum downtime.

    What is VASER Liposuction?

    VASER Liposuction stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. It is a cutting-edge technique for liposuction that leverages the power of ultrasound technology and vibrations. It is an advanced method that is designed for liquefying fat cells so that they are easier to remove from the body via a fine needle.

    One of the main objectives of VASER Liposuction is not only fat reduction but also body contouring. moreover, the VASER fat removal surgery targets only the fat cells and preserves the surrounding tissues. Thus, it is a superior choice for sculpting instead of weight loss. The accuracy enhances its effectiveness, especially for stubborn fat, which resists conventional lifestyle changes. Vaser has been embraced as an effective and viable solution appealing to both men and women. The treatment needs a single session to achieve transformative results that last long. It is also an impactful solution to body contouring issues.

    VASER Liposuction Procedure

    1. Anesthesia

    The cosmetic surgeon administers anesthesia to the target area. Generally, local anesthesia is used, but general anesthesia may also be required for larger areas.

    2. Initiating the Treatment

      The procedure begins with a small incision, during which the local anesthetic is introduced. It is a crucial step in preparing the fat for removal and reducing discomfort.

      3. Ultrasound Fat Targeting

        With the help of a specialized probe that is made for specific body parts, ultrasound energy is directed at the fat cells. It is known as ultrasound cavitation. It makes use of high-frequency vibrations to liquefy fat cells while preserving the surrounding non-fat tissues.

        4. Fat Removal

          Firstly, a cannula is introduced via the same incision after the fat cells break down. Then, it enables efficient extraction of the liquefied fat with minimal incisions. It reduces the side effects and complications.


            The last step is to remove the cannula, clean the incision site, and apply the dressings to protect the area. Patients can leave the clinic on the same day, which makes it more convenient.

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            Glow Up- The Rise of Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures

            Non Surgical Cosmetic Procedures: There has been a rise in the acceptance of cosmetic procedures among men and women. Different types of procedures offer a wide array of benefits. Some of them are surgical, while others are non-invasive, which makes them all the more popular. Non-invasive methods are painless and have less downtime. You can recover fast, and there is no need to stay in the hospital.

            Here’s a look at the top 5 non-surgical cosmetic procedures that are popular and offer significant transformation:

            1. Laser Hair Removal

            It is a cosmetic procedure that makes use of a powerful laser or IPL to remove unwanted hair from any part of your body. The light source heats the follicles and destroys them in the skin. It disrupts the hair growth. Common areas for laser hair removal are legs, arms, underarms, face, chin, bikini line, chest, back, etc. It can be beneficial to women with excessive hair growth.

            It is a safe procedure that spans around 6-8 sessions. The side effects are rare and can be prevented by following the preventive instructions. It is essential to choose a qualified doctor and reputed clinic for the procedure to get the best results. Avoid laser hair removal at saloons and practitioners with short training.

            1. Botulinum Toxin

            It is yet another non-invasive procedure catching a wave. The Botulinum toxin injections relax the muscles on your face and smooth the wrinkles and lines. Crow’s feet and frown lines are pretty familiar with aging, and these injections can be a great way of treating them in a non-invasive way. The treatment is not permanent, and the results can last for 4-6 months. The cost of each injection can vary based on the doctor and the clinic.

            It is essential to choose a cosmetic surgeon with the right

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            Men and Facelifts Breaking the Stigma Around Male Cosmetic Procedures

            Facelift Surgery: Non-invasive cosmetic procedures have become more popular than ever. Liposuction and facelifts have gained popularity in the previous decade and are continuing to do so. What is interesting is that today, even men opt for cosmetic procedures such as facelifts for aesthetic benefits. Plastic surgeons across the globe have performed successful facelifts, and there has been an increasing number of male candidates. It is being witnessed that face and neck lift procedures have become common among men for different reasons. The instant and long-lasting results fascinate men towards the procedure.

            What is a Facelift?

            A facelift is a cosmetic surgery that consists of making a small incision on both sides of the face. The surgeon pulls the skin back to reveal the tissue carefully. During the facelift procedure, the cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad works on the facial tissues to lift and tighten the overall appearance of the face. The cosmetic surgeon will also remove excessive or drooping skin before sealing the incision. The procedure will result in a smooth, young, and contoured face.

            What are the Facelifts Used For?

            For both women and men, facelift and neck lift surgery can help reverse the signs of ageing in the face and neck. When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya, with precision, facelifts appear like a natural aesthetic improvement instead of an overdone look that is associated with typical cosmetic surgeries.

            Why Have Facelifts Become Popular with Men?

            Over the years, men have become equally conscious of their looks and appearance. As per some surveys, it has also come to the picture that during a pandemic, with an increase in HD Zoom and Video calls, men became aware of flaws in their faces. Also, the availability of the latest technology and advancement in procedures has encouraged men to opt for face and neck lifts to improve their facial appearance.

            Facelifts can significantly help in achieving a younger appearance and reduce years from your face. The recovery time after the procedures is shorter, which allows men to resume their office as early as possible. It makes surgeries such as facelifts more appealing to men.

            Who can be considered a Good Candidate for Facelifts?

            Men with below- mentioned issues can benefit from a face and neck lift procedure:

            1. Men who have sagging skin on the jawline and cheeks
            2. Men with folding skin around the neck
            3. Lax muscle tissues in the cheeks
            4. Drooping jowls

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            Top 5 Leading Causes of Hair Loss in Men and Women

            Hair loss in Men and Hair loss in Women is one of the most common faced problems these days. It is literary a household issue. Hair loss can happen from slight reduction of hair to completely bald.

            Hair loss not only impacts the physical appearance but also emotionally. Every individual wants to have attractive physical appearance and hair contributes majorly in this.

            Leading hair loss causes losses are:

            Physical Trauma

            This can be a major cause for hair loss. A really stressful event can damage the hair growth and shock its cycle of growth. The hair then goes to the shedding phase. Hair loss due to physical stress can be visible in about three to six months after the trauma.

            Hair Styling Treatments

            Earlier hair loss problems were seen in people above the age of 30. But these days, hair loss problems are the major concern in teens also. It is caused by over usage of hair gel, ironing, hair pressing, blow drying etc. Tying the hair incorrectly and tight can also….

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            Hair Restoration with PRP A Natural Approach to Thicker and Healthier Hair

            Hair restoration: PRP injection is a relatively new treatment for restoring hair on your scalp. People might be apprehensive about trying the latest therapy for hair loss. However, it has been observed that PRP helps in promoting hair growth. The treatment has produced positive results in the past, and it is definitely worth trying.

            The PRP Procedure

            PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. The minimally invasive procedure consists of drawing blood from your arm. The blood is further spun down into three layers in a centrifuge. Only the best plasma rich in platelets is injected into the scalp via microneedling. If you are one of those who get regular blood tests done, PRP treatment won’t be challenging.

            How PRP Therapy Works?

            The platelet-rich plasma is injected into the scalp to heal the affected areas and stimulate the reparative cells via the use of growth factors. The PRP treatment promotes the formation of substances such as collagen, which is used in anti-ageing serums. This will show signs of regrowth over time. It is a natural formula without the use of any chemicals, and hence, it is gaining popularity. As no harsh chemicals are used in the treatment, you need not worry about the side effects.

            Advantages of PRP Therapy

            The treatment is done in different sessions, as the PRP injection comes in more than one dose. The series of injections is used over a few weeks, and the treatment is redone over a few months. You will start witnessing positive results as the treatment progresses. You will start noticing the following:

            1. The hair will start getting thicker and comparatively denser in the problem areas that are being treated.
            2. The hairline that receded will start witnessing hair growth.
            3. The balding and thinning spots will be reversed over time.
            4. With positive results of the hair restoration treatment, you will sense improved self-confidence in all areas of life. People notice improved self-esteem with restored hair growth and reversed balding.

            Who is the Right Candidate for PRP Treatment?

            Though PRP treatment can benefit a wide array of candidates with various hair loss-related issues, there are a few candidates who can help more and have noticed the most effective results.

            1. People suffering from androgenic alopecia can benefit significantly from the PRP treatment. The condition is also termed male or female pattern baldness. It is not only men who suffer from hair loss and baldness. Both men and women can be treated with PRP.
            2. People who have witnessed hair loss recently are good candidates for the treatment. The simple reason is that the longer the underlying condition for hair loss exists, the longer it will take to show the results. However, that doesn’t mean others won’t witness any benefits.
            3. People in a wide range of age groups can benefit from the treatment.
            4. People suffering from hair loss due to stress can also benefit from PRP as it is not a chronic condition.
            5. Individuals suffering from excessive hair loss but not to the extent of baldness can witness thick and robust hair growth. The hair follicles that are still functioning will get a boost with PRP injections.

            How can One Achieve Optimum Results from PRP Hair Restoration?

            If you are considering getting the PRP treatment done, you must schedule a consultation with a certified cosmetic surgeon to determine if PRP therapy is the right choice for you. If the cosmetic surgeon feels that you are a good candidate for the procedure, you might go through the following:

            1. Three PRP injections were administered over 4 to 6 weeks.
            2. Regular injections for maintenance over 4-6 months.

            People who follow the regime and stick to the procedure will notice positive results, which will leave you happy and confident. Furthermore, it is to be noted that a licensed and board-certified …

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            Lip Augmentation Cost Breakdown- Budgeting for Plumper Lips

            Lip Augmentation Surgery: Lips are an essential feature of your face that impacts your appearance. Women have been looking forward to achieving plumper lips in recent years. Earlier, women would simply broaden their lip liner while applying lipstick to create an illusion of plumper lips. However, advancement in aesthetic science offers several options for lip augmentation. 

            There are surgical and non-surgical ways of getting your lips augmented. It depends on whether you are looking for a permanent solution or a temporary one. Let’s explore the options and the results they offer. 

            Lip Fillers

            Lip fillers are a semi-permanent solution for achieving fuller lips. It is a series of injections that help shape and plump the lips. They are different from lip augmentation procedures such as implants. Plastic surgeon in Ahmedabad will inject the fillers into both the lower and upper lips. There are different types of lip fillers, and the cosmetic surgeon near me will decide which kind of filler to use based on the assessment and overall facial balance.

            They will take pictures of your lips to determine their symmetry as well as shape. This will enable the doctor to determine the areas of the lips that need to be plumper and fuller. 

            The procedure takes almost 15 to 30 minutes, which means that it is a quick one that can be done over a lunch break. The patient can go home on the same day, and there is no need to stay at the clinic. The fillers last only 6-8 months, and it needs to be done time and again. The lip filler cost can range from INR 18,000 to 24,000 per ml. 

            You can discuss about the lip filler price with your cosmetic surgeon during the initial consultation session. They will inform you about the cost based on your specific case. It is better to get all your queries answered during the consultation, including the cost of the procedure, so that you can make an informed decision depending on the budget. 

            Lip Implants

            Another alternative for achieving fuller lips is lip implants, which are a permanent option. During the consultation session, the doctor will decide the size of the implant that would suit you the best. The lip skin is sterilized first around the surgical area. Then, the lips are anaesthetized. Once numb, the doctor makes an incision on each corner of the mouth.

            A tunnel is created in the lip with the help of a tool known as a curved alligator clamp. The tunnel follows the shape of the lip. Once the curved alligator clamp reaches the end of the tunnel, the clamp will open up. The implant is then grasped and dragged inside the lip tunnel. The implant is positioned under the lip fat and above the lip muscles. After the implant is placed, the incision is closed with a suture or two. 

            The duration of the lip augmentation surgery is about 30 minutes, and the patient can go home on the same day of surgery. The lip implant procedure can vary from INR 25,000 to 50,000. 

            Fat Grafting

            This is another alternative for getting fuller lips. It uses your tissues for lip augmentation. The procedure is also termed autologous lip augmentation. Fat transfer can be classified as a type of autologous lip augmentation and makes for an excellent choice for achieving the desired plump lips. Just like lip fillers, fat transfer is an in-office procedure. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. 

            During the fat transfer procedure, fat is taken from your abdominal area near the belly button. It is purified and then transferred to your lips. Fat transfer to lips takes around 60 to 90 minutes. The patient can return home on the same day of the procedure. The procedure can be termed as permanent as the results would last for 5 years or longer. The cost of fat grafting to lips can range from INR 20,000 to 60,000. 

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            Blepharoplasty and Aging- How the Procedure Addresses Wrinkles and Sagging

            Blepharoplasty and anti ageing procedures has emerged as a solution to issues around the eyes, such as wrinkles and sagging. However, it is a cosmetic procedure that helps remove excess skin from eyelids. As a result of ageing, the eyelids stretch, and the supporting muscles become weak. Also, excess skin and fat get gathered above and below the eyelids, causing sagging eyebrows, droopy upper lids, and bags under the eyes.

            Firstly, sagging skin around the eyes can impact the side vision- the upper and outer parts of the visual field. Blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery that helps get rid of the vision issues. Also,the cosmetic surgeon near you will inform you that the procedure enables you to look young.

            Reasons to Get Blepharoplasty

            The eyelid surgery can be a suitable choice for candidates with:

            1. Droopy or baggy upper eyelid
            2. Excess skin on the upper lids, which blocks peripheral vision partially
            3. Excess skin on the lower eyelid
            4. Bags under eyes

            To begin with, blepharoplasty can be done along with other procedures such as face-lift, brow lift, skin resurfacing and more. Apart from eyelid lifting, the method also helps with eye bag removal.

            How to Prepare for Blepharoplasty

            Before planning for a Blepharoplasty, you must schedule a consultation session with the cosmetic surgeon near you. Any experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya will discuss your medical history. They will ask if you have had any previous surgeries. Further, they will ask about your past and existing eye conditions such as glaucoma, thyroid, diabetes, allergies, dry eyes, circulatory problems, etc. The doctor will also inquire about any medications, herbal supplements, and vitamins you consume. They will ask if you drink alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs.

            Doctors will discuss your expectations from the surgery. This will help in setting the stage for a great outcome. They will answer your queries and also guide you on whether the surgery is going to work well for you.

            You will have to undergo specific examinations such as a complete eye examination, visual field testing, and eyelid photography. The plastic surgeon near you will ask to stop certain medications and quit smoking and drinking a few weeks before the surgery.

            What to Expect Before the Eyelid Lift Procedure?Before the Procedure

            Blepharoplasty and anti ageing treatments are outpatient procedure, and the candidate will be administered an injection into the eyelids to numb them. Drugs would be given via IV to help the patient relax before the eyelid lift procedure.

            During the Procedure

            For the upper eyelid, the doctor cuts the fold of the eyelid. They remove the excess skin, fat and muscle, followed by closing the cut. For operating the lower lid, the surgeon makes a cut below the lashes in the eye’s crease or inside the lower lid. The plastic surgeon in Ahmedabad then removes or redistributes excess fat, sagging skin, and muscle, followed by closing the cut.

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            Combining Tummy Tuck with Other Cosmetic Procedures for a Total Transformation

            A tummy tuck is a popular cosmetic procedure that aims at reducing the belly area by removing excess fat. It is also known as abdominoplasty. The procedure not only removes excess fat from the belly but also removes excess skin followed by repairing the separated and weakened muscles, if required. A tummy tuck is not a weight loss solution, as per the common misconception! It only targets a specific area with stubborn fat that refuses to go away with diet and exercise.

            The right candidates for tummy tuck are the ones struggling with fat due to aging, pregnancy, weight changes, etc. With the help of tummy tuck surgery, the candidates can successfully achieve a toned stomach. The contoured look enhances confidence. Though tummy tuck is a wholesome cosmetic procedure in itself, other procedures can also be combined with tummy tuck for the best results.

            Procedures to be combined with Tummy TuckBreast Lifts

            Breast lifts can benefit women who have undergone pregnancy or suffering from drooping and sagging breasts post-weight loss. While a tummy tuck will help remove extra fat and skin from the abdomen, a breast lift will offer the desired appearance to the breasts thereby altering your overall appearance. The contoured body will look impressive.

            Breast Augmentation

            The procedure can again be combined with tummy tuck as a part of the mommy makeover. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, women experience a sagging and flatter appearance of the breasts. With augmentation, women can get the desired shape and volume for a curvaceous figure and appealing look. It adds to confidence in women when they are able to achieve their per-pregnancy look. Dr. Kedarnath Pandya can help women choose the right implants for augmentation based on the desired results.

            Liposuction of Arms, Thighs, and Back

            While tummy tuck will help remove fat and excess skin from the belly, liposuction of thighs, arms, and back can be combined for an overall contoured appearance. It can offer dramatic results and lead to an overall attractive appearance. No one wants bulky arms and thighs after getting a tummy tuck done as it comes in the way of a perfectly toned body.

            Arm Lift and Thigh Lift

            The procedure aims at tightening and reshaping the under portion of the upper arm. That is done from the underarm area by removing excess fat. It can help women get toned arms after weight loss. On the other hand, thigh lift removes excess skin from the inner thighs which is common in individuals with massive weight loss. What better than combining them with a tummy tuck for an overall transformation?

            Many of these surgeries are referred to as ‘Mommy Makeover’ when combined, as they can help women who have undergone pregnancy. However, it is said that women planning for another pregnancy should not opt for these surgeries as the results would be undone. It is better to get the procedures done after you are done with the family planning.

            Advantages of Combining the Procedures with Tummy Tuck

            Single Recovery

            When several procedures are combined together, the candidate goes through the recovery process once which means the recovery time is also reduced. When the procedures are performed separately, it takes time and the candidate needs to go through the recovery process several times. Also, they need to wait for the previous site to heal before undergoing another procedure.

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            Innovations in Liposuction- The Latest Advancements in Fat Removal

            Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure or fat removal surgery that consists of removing fat deposits from certain areas of the body such as thighs, arms, chin, thighs, abdomen, etc. Further, the procedure has become popular over the years among women and men who wish to achieve a contoured and toned body shape.

            Just like other medical procedures, liposuction has also evolved with the emergence of new technology. Also, traditional liposuction surgery consisted of tumescent liposuction, power-assisted liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, and laser-assisted liposuction. These techniques are still used in present times; newer technology has also emerged for effective and precise results.

            Let’s have a look at the latest trends and the use of technology for fat removal.

            Radiofrequency- Assisted Liposuction

            It is a minimally invasive method that makes use of radiofrequency energy for melting and removing the fat cells from the body. Here, this procedure consists of inserting a small cannula inside and giving heat energy to the fat cells. It leads to liquefies the fat cells and sucked out from the body.

            This is a unique technique that stimulates collagen production in the skin and helps improve the tightness of the skin along with boosting elasticity. It is a great choice for individuals worried about loose skin post-liposuction. RFAL can be used on any area of the body such as the neck, arms, thighs, face, and abdomen.

            Vaser Liposuction

            It is a minimally invasive procedure that makes use of ultrasonic waves of liquefying fat cells from the target area in the body. This procedure consists of inserting a small probe under the skin and sending ultrasonic energy to the fat cells. It breaks them apart to be sucked out of the body.

            One of the major benefits of Vaser liposuction is that is less traumatic for the body as compared to the traditional liposuction methods. Hence, there is less swelling and bruising, resulting in a lesser downtime. It is precise technique that leads to targeted fat removal and smooth results.

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