How Many Laser Hair Removal Sessions are typically needed

Laser hair removal procedure sessions has emerged as a popular treatment across the globe. Earlier, women had to resort to hair-removing methods such as waxing, tweezing, and shaving. However, these methods are painful and offer temporary solutions only for 15- 20 days. On the other hand, laser hair removal offers a permanent reduction in hair growth. It uses innovative technology to destroy the hair follicles and prevent them from growing.

If you are looking for an easy, effective, and painless method of getting smooth skin, laser hair removal for women is the perfect choice. One of the main questions that bothers the candidate is how many sessions are required to achieve the results. However, the answer is not that simple as several factors play a role in determining the outcome.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Procedure Work?

Laser hair removal focuses a concentrated beam of light on the area that needs hair removal. The pigment in the follicles absorbs the light, produces heat, and destroys the hair follicle. It prevents hair growth. The process works effectively when the hair is in the growing stage. As different hair is at various stages of growth, several sessions need to be planned accordingly. It ensures that maximum hair is treated during the growth stage. Laser removal can be done on all the areas of the body. Smaller areas such as the chin, upper lips, and side locks take fewer minutes while the larger areas such as the back, legs, and hands might take an hour for a session.

How Many Sessions Are Required for a Complete Laser Hair Removal?

Each individual is different and so is their body. It reacts differently and so there is no single answer to the question. The doctor will assess the number of sessions needed based on various factors. Here’s a look at them:

  • Area of the Treatment and Skin Tone

The smaller and accessible the area, the lesser the time! Difficult to reach areas such as thighs can take longer for the treatment. The best results can be achieved when the skin is light and the hair is black.

  • Coarseness of Hair

If the hair is coarser, it takes more time to remove it.

  • Color of the Hair

Dark black hair can be removed easily and takes less time as the melanin absorbs the laser beams.

  1. Type of Laser

Different treatments for laser hair removal take different times to complete.

  1. Hormonal Issues

Hormonal changes can affect hair growth and it impacts the number of sessions required for laser hair removal.

Typically, pain-free laser hair removal takes 6 to 12 sessions for successful hair removal to get rid of the unwanted hair. The cosmetic surgeon will give a fair idea about the required sessions for the complete treatment.

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Laser hair removal procedure

Laser hair removal procedure is one of the most common procedures in the present day and age. It helps in getting rid of unwanted body hair. Laser is a better option as compared to waxing and shaving. Laser hair removal helps in reducing hair growth over a period of 6-8 sessions, depending on the hair growth. The procedure treats areas such as arms, legs, face, back, and bikini. The procedure is safe but you might experience some burning sensation that subsides within a few hours.

What Is Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

Laser machine hair removal is a non-invasive way of reducing hair growth without any hassle and pain. The procedure uses a selective photothermolysis. Heat ray from the laser destroys cells which have a lot of pigment. Darker hair usually has more pigment therefore it absorbs most of the heat. Hair transfers heat to the hair follicles and destroys them.

The hair follicle must be in the anagen or growth stage for the laser procedure to be effective. Since the follicles are in different stages of growth, most individuals would require several laser sessions.

Who Can Get Laser Hair Removal?

Anyone who wishes to get rid of body hair can choose laser treatment for hair removal. It’s a cosmetic procedure which helps in improving appearance as well as offers a positive self-image. With laser hair removal, one doesn’t need to save or wax regularly. Laser hair removal helps in treating excessive hair growth due to:

  1. Hirsutism- It is a condition where women grow darker or coarse hair in areas where usually men grow hair.
  2. Hypertrichosis- It is a condition when women or men grow excessive hair on any part of their bodies.

These conditions can be a result of the following:

  1. They can be triggered due to some medications such as birth control pills or anabolic steroids.
  2. Excessive hair growth is a result of hormonal imbalance which is caused by an increase in testosterone or androgen levels.
  3. It can be caused because of inherited disorders which are conditions passed on from parents to their children.
  4. Excessive hair growth can be due to PCOD- Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  5. Tumors that produce hormones.

Laser hair removal near me is found to be the most effective for people who have lighter skin with coarse, thick, and darker hair. It can also work for individuals with darker skin and lighter hair. The contrast between skin and hair color helps the hair in absorbing heat well.

Who Is Not A Good Candidate For Laser Hair Removal?

It is better to discuss your concerns and queries about laser hair removal in Ahmedabad with a cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad before getting the treatment done. After an initial consultation, the doctor will suggest if you are the right candidate for laser. You must avoid getting laser hair removal if:

  1. You are taking medicines for acne treatment.
  2. You are pregnant.
  3. Have genital herpes
  4. Are prone to cold sores
  5. Have raised scars
  6. Have or had a history of skin cancer

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