Combining Vaginal Rejuvenation with Other Aesthetic Procedures: Comprehensive Solutions

Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery: Female sexual awareness is important for every woman. It consists of several aspects such as genital health, physical satisfaction, libido, emotional response, and much more. If a woman is not happy due to the appearance of the vagina, reduced sexual pleasure, and discomfort, there are several vaginal rejuvenation surgery that can help. Many such procedures offer the best results when combined. Sexual wellness and health can have a significant impact on the emotional health of a woman.

Here’s a look at different types of vaginal rejuvenation treatments that can work alone or combined together for improving sexual wellness. These procedures help in treating structural, functional, or cosmetic issues:


Many women can have large labia minora which can be due to genetic reasons. It also becomes stretched due to age and childbirth. Enlarged labia minora which protrude outside the outer labia can lead to discomfort during intercourse and irritation during exercising and walking.

Labiaplasty helps in removing the excess tissue and decreases the length and width of the labia for relieving the symptoms. The procedure helps in rectifying any type of pre-existing asymmetry.


During childbirth, the vaginal tissues ad muscles get stretched to a great extent to make enough room for the baby to come out. However, these tissues seldom return to their normal self. You need medical intervention as it can lead to sexual dysfunction.

A vaginoplasty is a procedure designed for performing tightening the vaginal opening and canal. It is done by reconnecting the muscles that have separated along with removing the excess tissue and skin followed by suturing it back.

Clitoral hood reduction

Clitoral hood reduction is also a type of rejuvenation vaginal procedure. It is performed by removing the excess skin fold in the clitoral hood. The surgery helps in reducing the size of the big clitoral hood. It is combined with a labiaplasty surgery for maintaining the balance with small labia minora.


A perineoplasty helps in addressing the issue related to perineum which is the area between the anus and vagina. It gets stretched out or even torn during childbirth. The surgery is designed for restoring the function of the vagina and improving the sexual satisfaction by tightening the muscles as well as surrounding tissues.

Episiotomy Revision

An episiotomy is a procedure that is aimed at assisting childbirth by making a cut to the perineum. However, it can lead to many functional and cosmetic issues in the long run. It can lead to problems such as painful intercourse, swelling, infection, and in rare cases incontinence.

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Understanding the Cost of a Hair Transplant- What Factors are Involved?

Hair Transplantation Cost: Most people have good hair during the early years of life but stress, poor diet, illness, and genetic reasons lead to hair loss. The hair loss can get worse over time and gradually turns into bald spots in men. While there are many treatments for hair loss, in some cases, they just don’t work. It is here that hair transplantation comes into the picture.

What is Hair Transplantation?

It is a surgical procedure where hair is removed from one area, known as the donor area, and grafted to the bald spot on the head. Usually, the donor area is the back of the head. Hair transplantation is a common restoration method that offers permanent results and looks quite natural.

Growing bald can affect an individual in several ways. It not only changes the physical appearance of a person but also affects their confidence. Hair loss and bald spots can make a man look aged. It can look to insecurity and self-consciousness. If other methods of hair restoration fail to work, a hair transplant is an option to look for.

Some people would take resort to wigs and hair patches as a solution but they looked unnatural and were quite noticeable. It made men more conscious about their appearance. However, hair transplant results are brilliant and it creates an absolutely natural look. Also, the results are long-lasting.

Wigs need a lot of care and maintenance and need replacement after a while. On the other hand, hair transplants are grafted onto the scalp. Even if the hair falls, new hair will grow soon! It usually takes 5-6 months to witness the results in the form of new hair growth in the bald spot.

Hair Transplant Cost in India

A hair transplant is an expensive procedure. The cost of surgery might vary from INR 35, 000 to 2, 65, 000 in Ahmedabad. However, this is an approximate amount. The exact cost depends on the area to be treated and the number of grafts.

Also, there are various factors involved in the hair transplantation cost in India. The cost consists of the cost of grafts, Post surgery PRP sessions, and hospital stay. The grafts cost around INR 25 to 80 while the PRP sessions cost approximately INR 20, 000 to 60, 000 for 2 to 6 sessions. Their hospital stay is around 6 – 10 thousand. They stay will vary depending on the patient’s condition and recovery.

It is better to get a detailed consultation from the hair transplant surgeon. It will help in getting the queries answered about the procedure as well as the cost and its breakup. The patient must be aware of each component of the total cost as you must know what you are paying for.

Ideal Candidate for Hair Transplant

  1. An ideal candidate for a hair transplant is one with baldness grade III.
  2. Is it overall good health?
  3. Has stabilized hair loss.
  4. Other treatments fail to show the results.

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Women Getting More Hair Transplants

Hair Transplant for Women: Hair loss affects both men and women. Every individual experiences hair loss at some point. However, some people face it more than others. Some people ignore it while others take action before it’s too late. These days, thanks to advanced technology, there are several solutions available. One of the best options available to assist with irreversible hair loss is hair transplantation. It is a surgical way of hair restoration.

However, hair transplantation is the last option for treating hair loss. Though it is mostly associated with men, hair transplant is not confined to men. Even women can opt for it. It is a common misconception that women don’t go bald and hence hair transplant is not meant for them. Hair transplantation is certainly an option for restoring hair in women as well. Female pattern thinning is termed FPT.

In men, hair loss is characterized by U-shaped. It begins with thinning on the crown followed by a receding hairline. In women, Androgenetic Alopecia is the main reason for hair loss. The frontal hairline is gets spared in most cases. This type of hair loss is slower as compared to men and happens at a later stage in life. Hairfall control treatment and hair thinning treatments are recommended first. If they prove to be ineffective, hair transplantation surgery is the last resort.

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is the surgical procedure of restoring the hair permanently. The procedure consists of removing hair and follicles from the donor area of the scalp and grafting it onto the balding area i.e. recipient site. Once you have chosen the hair transplant clinic near me, it is time to schedule a consultation session.

There are many hair transplant clinic in Ahmedabad but a little research will help you find the best one! During the consultation, get your queries answered along with the information about the cost of the procedure. Always ask for hair transplantation before and after images of the previous patients.

Are Women Suitable Candidates for Hair Transplantation?

Yes women are a candidate for transplant of the hair and scalp condition needs it. It is true that most hair transplant procedures are performed on men as compared to women but it is due to the difference in the pattern of hair loss. Women mostly experience diffuse hair loss. Whether the transplant is viable or not can be decided based on the kind of hair loss as well as the hair and scalp condition.

The best hair transplant surgeon – Dr. Kedarnath Pandya says that one solution doesn’t fit all and that hair restoration is a personal need which required a customized solution. A suitable candidate should have enough follicles in the donor area. These follicles should be healthy enough to grow out healthy in the normal course of time. Women suffering from Alopecia can find an excellent solution for their hair loss concerns. Women who have had scalp injuries and lost hair from a patch can restore them with the transplantation procedure.

It is to be known that, women suffering from diffuse hair loss throughout the scalp are not a suitable candidate for the procedure. There are several treatments available for treating diffuse hair loss. A hair transplant clinic like Mayfair Aesthetic will make it clear during the consultation itself if you are the right candidate for the transplantation or not.

Women suffering from medical conditions such as Thyroid disorders, PCOS, or pregnancy can take resort to suitable treatments for addressing the reversible hair loss. Timely intervention combined with guidance from the doctor can bring a huge difference. Diagnosis of the root cause and analyzing the symptoms can help determine the path for treatment.

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