Surgery for Hair Loss

Surgery for Hair Loss: Hair loss which is identified by baldness or thinning of hair can happen because of various reasons. At times, hair loss can be a reflection of some underlying disease or health condition. When experiencing hair loss, it is important to first understand the reason for determining the treatment. Seeing a dermatologist can help in finding out the root cause of the problem. Dermatologists can also help with hair loss prevention and renewing growth.

For individuals suffering from severe hair loss, hair transplant surgery can prove to be helpful. It is a safe procedure which can help in achieving new hair growth. After an initial consultation, the a hair transplant surgeon will recommend if hair transplant is needed and also explain the procedure as well as the type of procedure required in the candidate’s specific case.

Here’s a look at some common reasons contributing to hair loss:

Nutritional Deficiency

A deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can also lead to hair loss and reduced hair growth. Zinc, protein, biotin, iron, etc contribute to good hair health.

Hormonal Imbalance

Excessive androgens can lead to hormonal imbalance which is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Androgens lead to male and female pattern baldness. In female- pattern baldness androgens can cause weak hair follicles and excessive shedding. Male pattern baldness is caused by an increase in DHT androgen. It can stop hair growth and decrease the overall span of the hair.


Hair loss can also happen as a side effect of some medications. It is known as drug-induced hair loss.

Oral contraceptives, blood-thinning medicines, drugs for depression, beta and calcium channel blockers, and anti-inflammatory, can all lead to hair thinning or baldness.

Thyroid Issues

Other types of hormone-associated issues can also cause hair loss. An under active thyroid or an overactive thyroid can lead to hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. Thyroid hormones regulate almost every function in the body which includes hair growth as well.


Stress can also trigger hair loss. Mental strain caused from disease or emotional trauma can lead to hair loss. Hair fall is also common during recovery from illness. Hair falls after a stressful event can occur within 3 to 6 months.

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How To Take Care After A Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair Transplant Surgery: When you choose a hair transplant treatment, it is not only important to select experts for the procedure but also to have realistic expectations from the hair transplant surgeon in Ahmedabad. After a successful hair transplant procedure, the patient needs to follow some post-operative care routine for promoting quick healing.

It will take some time to witness and show others the lovely transformation but you will have to first go through different phases of recovery and healing. You need to focus on post-operative care to ensure fast recovery and safety. The new hair is still fragile and needs care for taking the root fully. A comprehensive hair care routine should be performed by the candidate.

Here’s a look at some tips to be followed after the safe hair transplant surgery:

Keeping the grafted area moist

The top hair transplant surgeon will offer the right products or prescribe them for keeping the implanted hair from dehydration. It is important to maintain a moist environment for the newly transplanted follicle. The doctor might prescribe a saline solution or ointment for the same.

Hair Washing

After a day or two of applying the solution/ ointment, you are supposed to wash your hair gently with your hands. You must not directly stand under the shower. Even if you wash your hair under the shower, reduce the pressure to a    minimum and rub the scalp gently with your fingers. Use a mild shampoo and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Sleep Semi-upright

You need to sleep in a slightly elevated position and not like you usually sleep. This needs to be done to prevent the effect of gravity on the hair. The recliner position should be preferred for sleeping instead of sleeping straight. An upright angle of 45 degrees is considered perfect when you lie down or sleep.

Prevent Swelling and Itching Of The Scalp

After the hair transplant procedure, you should maintain cleanliness with gentle shampooing every few days to prevent scabbing or itching on the scalp. Sleeping in a fixed position for the first three days will also help as it will lead to the movement of fluid downwards in the forehead and decrease the swelling.

Avoid Extensive Workouts

It will help in reducing swelling and pain when you keep away from heavy physical activities. You can engage in lighter exercises and non-aerobic activities such as some gentle yoga poses and stretching. After a week or 10 days, you can increase the intensity of the workout over the coming weeks. Though sweating is not a risky aspect after a hair transplant, any kind of rigorous activity or exertion can lead to increased inflammation and pain.

Simple Hairstyles

It is better to opt for simple hairstyles instead of tight ponytails or braids. You are not supposed to put pressure on the newly implanted hair. You must avoid using products that make the newly transplanted hair stiff. It is good to avoid harsh hair styling products and chemicals for the first few weeks.

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Is hair transplant Reliable?

Safe hair transplant: Hair loss has become a common issue in both men and women. Male pattern baldness has become a concerning issue for not just elderly men but also youngsters. There can be several reasons contributing to hair loss in men such as stress, genetics, hormonal changes, medications, or as a result of aging.

However, with advancements in science men can now find a ray of hope with the hair transplant procedure. The hair loss treatment is being widely accepted by people across the globe owing to its significant success rate. Still, a lot of men wonder if the hair transplant procedure is actually effective and reliable and does it offer the claimed benefits. The answer is yes! However, it depends on several factors.

What Is Hair Transplant Procedure?

The aim of the hair transplant procedure is to restore hair growth in areas of the scalp that have no or limited growth. The procedure is performed in two ways namely FUT and FUE.

In FUT, the surgeon removes a part of the skin from the donor area followed by stitching it. The donor skin is then divided into follicular units which are then placed in the desired area on the scalp.

In the FUE method, the surgeon uses a punch for removing the donor area follicle. It does cause some scars but it is less visible and doesn’t require stitches. It requires more skills and takes more time.

Both these procedures offer effective results and can be performed within a few hours based on the number of follicles to be implanted. It can be done with local anesthesia. The patient can go home on the same day.

The Success Rate In Hair Transplant

The success rate of the procedure depends on how satisfied the patients are after the transplant is done. It usually depends on the following factors:

  • The clinical infrastructure has a crucial role to play as it ensures safety and makes sure that transplant is done the right way.
  • The technology used during the procedure also plays a role.
  • The surgeon performing the procedure their experience, qualification, and skills count.
  • Support and cooperation of patients after the hair transplant treatment.

A hair transplant is not a complicated procedure but the results vary based on several factors and one of them is the quality of your hair. An evaluation takes place before the procedure wherein the doctors examine the scalp and explains what to expect from the transplant.

  • Choose a hair transplant doctor like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya who answers your queries patiently and offers realistic claims.
  • Ask them about the recovery phase and what needs to be practiced during that phase. Post-transplant care matters.
  • You should get an insight into the myths and facts related to the hair transplant procedure.
  • Ask the doctor about tips for achieving the best results.

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