Men and Facelifts Breaking the Stigma Around Male Cosmetic Procedures

Facelift Surgery: Non-invasive cosmetic procedures have become more popular than ever. Liposuction and facelifts have gained popularity in the previous decade and are continuing to do so. What is interesting is that today, even men opt for cosmetic procedures such as facelifts for aesthetic benefits. Plastic surgeons across the globe have performed successful facelifts, and there has been an increasing number of male candidates. It is being witnessed that face and neck lift procedures have become common among men for different reasons. The instant and long-lasting results fascinate men towards the procedure.

What is a Facelift?

A facelift is a cosmetic surgery that consists of making a small incision on both sides of the face. The surgeon pulls the skin back to reveal the tissue carefully. During the facelift procedure, the cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad works on the facial tissues to lift and tighten the overall appearance of the face. The cosmetic surgeon will also remove excessive or drooping skin before sealing the incision. The procedure will result in a smooth, young, and contoured face.

What are the Facelifts Used For?

For both women and men, facelift and neck lift surgery can help reverse the signs of ageing in the face and neck. When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya, with precision, facelifts appear like a natural aesthetic improvement instead of an overdone look that is associated with typical cosmetic surgeries.

Why Have Facelifts Become Popular with Men?

Over the years, men have become equally conscious of their looks and appearance. As per some surveys, it has also come to the picture that during a pandemic, with an increase in HD Zoom and Video calls, men became aware of flaws in their faces. Also, the availability of the latest technology and advancement in procedures has encouraged men to opt for face and neck lifts to improve their facial appearance.

Facelifts can significantly help in achieving a younger appearance and reduce years from your face. The recovery time after the procedures is shorter, which allows men to resume their office as early as possible. It makes surgeries such as facelifts more appealing to men.

Who can be considered a Good Candidate for Facelifts?

Men with below- mentioned issues can benefit from a face and neck lift procedure:

  1. Men who have sagging skin on the jawline and cheeks
  2. Men with folding skin around the neck
  3. Lax muscle tissues in the cheeks
  4. Drooping jowls

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