Four Things You didn’t Know About Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is something that you must have heard about. Also, known as Vaginoplasty, the procedure helps in tightening the inner and outer muscles along with the structure of the vagina. It enhances vaginal muscle tone, control, and strength. The main aim of female genital rejuvenation is to treat vaginal relaxation which is associated with aging and vaginal childbirth.

In short, it is a non-hormonal treatment that helps in restoring the aesthetics and function of the pelvic area. Vaginal rejuvenation is still a novel concept as not many women have opted for it. Though it is being chosen by women in recent years, the numbers are comparatively low as compared to other cosmetic procedures.

Here’s a look at some facts about vaginoplasty:

The Vaginoplasty Is Not Just About Better Intimacy

There are several reasons women choose to opt for vaginal rejuvenation and it has nothing do to with intimacy. It has more to do with the vaginal structure which leads to discomfort or functional issues like visible scar tissue around the vagina, popping sounds during a yoga session or walking, holding tampons, issues with bowel movements, and more.

However, one of the benefits of vaginoplasty is definitely an improved intimacy experience. As the vaginal rejuvenation tightens the vaginal canal, friction increases during intercourse. It leads to greater stimulation and an increased sense of pleasure.

As per studies, 80 to 90% of patients experience improvement in sexual pleasure after the procedure. Apart from the structure of the vaginal walls, it is the aesthetic appearance that also improves. This enhances self-esteem and confidence which increases the libido.

It Should Be Performed By A Specialist

Vaginal rejuvenation surgery in Ahmedabad should be performed by a surgeon who specializes in aesthetic vaginal surgeries like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya. Patients should look for a specialist who has experience of performing several vaginal rejuvenation procedures and is well acquainted with everything about the procedure as well as the preferences of patients. They should also be aware of the latest surgical management for offering optimum results not only functionally but also aesthetically.

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Can Gynecomastia Come Back

Can Gynecomastia Come Back: Some men experience enlargement of breast tissue, which gives a bulky appearance to their breasts. The condition is known as Gynecomastia. An imbalance of hormones, genetics, or some medications can be the reason for enlarged breasts. It leads to confidence issues and embarrassment in men.

The condition can be treated with the help of Gynecomastia surgery. Also, the procedure helps male patients feel confident about their bodies again. It has been observed that men are concerned about their breasts growing back after the surgery. It is to be known that surgery offers long-lasting results. However, in some cases, Gynecomastia can return. It is better to connect with the best cosmetic clinic for Gynecomastia in Ahmedabad to know if the breast reduction surgery will work for you or not.

Main Causes Of Gynecomastia

As mentioned above, fluctuations in the hormones can alter the appearance of the male breasts. In some cases, male Gynecomastia is also related to medical conditions such as hypogonadism and hyperthyroidism. It consists of getting a diagnostic test or biopsy done for ruling out the probability of other conditions. A conventional diet and exercise routine might help before going for formal treatment.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Leading a healthy lifestyle can help men who are overweight by reducing the size of their male breasts. Of course, diet and exercise alone can’t help in treating gynecomastia. In men with ideal weight, surgery might be the only option for curing gynecomastia.

The male breast reduction surgery is performed with the help of a special liposuction technique by Dr. Kedarnath pandya – best cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad, for eliminating fat from the chest. Then, the loose skin is trimmed away for creating a contoured and masculine appearance. After that, the gynecomastia treatment patients get a compression garment for managing the side effects after the surgery like bleeding and swelling. Depending on the extent of surgery, a small drainage tube might also be placed for taking care of extra liquid. The incision made during surgery might take weeks to heal but the medical team can offer guidelines for recovery. Patients enjoy their newly contoured body immediately and can resume their normal routine after inflammation and swelling subside.

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Abdominoplasty: Risks and Recovery

Tummy tuck treatment or Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery which helps in removing excess skin and fat from the stomach. The procedure also helps in tightening the muscles. It is suitable for both men and women who have lost significant weight in lesser time leaving excess skin behind. It is also perfect for women who have had multiple pregnancies.

What Is Abdominoplasty?

Also known as tummy tuck surgery, abdominoplasty helps in flattening the abdomen by removing excess fat along with skin for tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. The procedure can be mini or major depending on the amount of fat and skin which needs to be removed.

It is important to get proper insight and educate yourself after analyzing your situation so that you can make the right decision. It is to be known that the procedure should not be considered an alternative for weight loss.

Who Are The Best Candidates For Abdominoplasty?

The tummy tuck surgery is suitable for men and women who are in overall good health and have a near-ideal weight. It is best if they are non-smokers as well. However, you should not confuse tummy tuck with liposuction which is the procedure for removing fat deposits. Though liposuction can be performed as a part of a tummy tuck, they both are different,

A tummy tuck is suitable for women who want to tighten the loose muscles and reduce the skin after pregnancy. It is also a good choice for people who have a history of obesity and who have undergone weight loss but struggling with fat deposits and loose skin in the tummy area.

What Complications Are Associated With Abdominoplasty?

You will experience some swelling and pain after the surgery. The top cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad will prescribe pain medicines if required. You might experience some soreness for a few weeks after the surgery. During this period, it is common to experience numbness, bruising, and tiredness. Just like with any type of surgery, you have risks associated with abdominoplasty as well.

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What to expect from Breast Implant Removal

Breast implant removal is a surgery where silicone/ saline implants are removed. The reason for the procedure may vary from person to person. You may get it removed as you no longer want them or due to some complications with the implants. Many women choose to get the implant removed due to the hardening of scar tissue near the implant leading to capsular contracture. During the breast implant removal surgery, the breast implant surgeon also removes the scar tissue or silicone from implants.

Why Is Breast Implant Removal Procedure Done?

Some women get the old implants removed to replace them with new ones while others get it done owing to some complications. However, it is to be known that breast implants don’t last for a lifetime. Experts suggest that women with breast implants should get them removed every 10-15 years. But some plastic surgeons might not recommend getting them removed if there are no complications.

There are women who get implants removed because the shape of their breasts has changed after the breast augmentation procedure. The appearance of the breasts might change due to the following:

  • Pregnancy
  • Weight gain/ weight loss
  • Aging
  • Breastfeeding
Who Needs Breast Implant Removal?

In some cases, it can be necessary to get the breast implant removed. One of the most common reasons can be hardening of scar tissue, as mentioned above. This can lead to pain and discomfort along with a change in their appearance.

Other reasons to get the removal done can be:

  • A rare type of cancer namely breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma. It occurs in the scar tissue near the implant. This is common with textured implants. Thus, you need to get it checked with your doctor if you have had textured implants.
  • The build-up of calcium around the implants.
  • Leakage in implants.
  • Shifting/ movement of implants.
What Needs To Be Done Before Implant Removal?

Before the implants are removed, the cosmetic surgeon near me offers specific instructions so that you can prepare for the procedure.

  • You might need to adjust the current medications and start with new ones.
  • The patient will have to avoid medicines which increase the risk of bleeding such as anti-inflammatory drugs or herbal supplements.
  • You will have to stop smoking or using tobacco products.

After the implant removal procedure, you can leave on the same day from the clinic. It is better to arrange for transportation for returning home.

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