How to Prepare for a Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Hair removal by laser is an easy and painless way of permanent hair reduction. Also, many women are opting for hair removal treatment to get rid of unwanted hair. It is better than shaving, waxing, and epilating and also helps in saving time and hassle. You can set yourself free from the worry of unwanted hair and wear your favorite skirt or sleeveless top whenever you want!

Irrespective of the reason, hair removal is the perfect choice for women. However, if it is your first time with laser hair removal treatment, it is obvious to have few queries or confusion. How to get ready for laser treatment, and what happens during the session, what aftercare needs to be followed post surgery, are some common queries. They can be answered by an experienced doctor during the initial consultation session. The cosmetic surgeon will also guide you on how to prepare for the laser hair removal procedure.

Here’s a look at some tips on how to prepare for a laser hair removal procedure:

Stop waxing and plucking

Laser hair removal targets the roots of the hair so one must avoid plucking or waxing the area to be treated for at least three to four weeks before the first appointment. In fact, we never ask to shave the area before the appointment. The laser sessions are scheduled eight to ten weeks apart.

Shave the area

The area is shaved in the clinic. As the main reason is that the area needs to be freshly shaved. And the candidate can avoid shaving the area. Furthermore, this helps the cosmetic surgeon know about the growth density of the area and they can adjust the laser energy accordingly. Dr. Kedarnath Pandya has the best expertise in the field of cosmetic surgery. You can rest assured for a safe and amazing treatment.

Avoid sun exposure

A few weeks before the laser hair removal, the area that needs to be treated should be kept away from the sun. Tanning beds and self-tanners are a big No. Getting tanned can lead to discoloration after the laser surgery along with causing excessive pain or even blisters. Most laser professionals refuse to treat a client with even minor sunburns and ask to reschedule the appointment. Use sunscreen daily and cover the area with a scarf before stepping out.

Avoid bleaching

As mentioned above, hair removal treatment works by targeting the roots. Hair pigment and color can be found in the root which absorbs the light produced by the laser. This leads to the permanent destruction of hair. Bleaching the hair alters the pigment and it becomes tough to target the hair. Stop bleaching six weeks before the session. It gives enough time for the hair roots to grow back.

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Laser hair removal procedure

Laser hair removal procedure is one of the most common procedures in the present day and age. It helps in getting rid of unwanted body hair. Laser is a better option as compared to waxing and shaving. Laser hair removal helps in reducing hair growth over a period of 6-8 sessions, depending on the hair growth. The procedure treats areas such as arms, legs, face, back, and bikini. The procedure is safe but you might experience some burning sensation that subsides within a few hours.

What Is Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

Laser machine hair removal is a non-invasive way of reducing hair growth without any hassle and pain. The procedure uses a selective photothermolysis. Heat ray from the laser destroys cells which have a lot of pigment. Darker hair usually has more pigment therefore it absorbs most of the heat. Hair transfers heat to the hair follicles and destroys them.

The hair follicle must be in the anagen or growth stage for the laser procedure to be effective. Since the follicles are in different stages of growth, most individuals would require several laser sessions.

Who Can Get Laser Hair Removal?

Anyone who wishes to get rid of body hair can choose laser treatment for hair removal. It’s a cosmetic procedure which helps in improving appearance as well as offers a positive self-image. With laser hair removal, one doesn’t need to save or wax regularly. Laser hair removal helps in treating excessive hair growth due to:

  1. Hirsutism- It is a condition where women grow darker or coarse hair in areas where usually men grow hair.
  2. Hypertrichosis- It is a condition when women or men grow excessive hair on any part of their bodies.

These conditions can be a result of the following:

  1. They can be triggered due to some medications such as birth control pills or anabolic steroids.
  2. Excessive hair growth is a result of hormonal imbalance which is caused by an increase in testosterone or androgen levels.
  3. It can be caused because of inherited disorders which are conditions passed on from parents to their children.
  4. Excessive hair growth can be due to PCOD- Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  5. Tumors that produce hormones.

Laser hair removal near me is found to be the most effective for people who have lighter skin with coarse, thick, and darker hair. It can also work for individuals with darker skin and lighter hair. The contrast between skin and hair color helps the hair in absorbing heat well.

Who Is Not A Good Candidate For Laser Hair Removal?

It is better to discuss your concerns and queries about laser hair removal in Ahmedabad with a cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad before getting the treatment done. After an initial consultation, the doctor will suggest if you are the right candidate for laser. You must avoid getting laser hair removal if:

  1. You are taking medicines for acne treatment.
  2. You are pregnant.
  3. Have genital herpes
  4. Are prone to cold sores
  5. Have raised scars
  6. Have or had a history of skin cancer

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Body hair is common in both men and women but women take resort to several ways of body hair removal. They use several methods for getting rid of body hair. Many marketers claim that their products can help in permanent hair removal but the fact is that no method can remove hair permanently.

However, it is to be known that there are a few methods of hair removal in Ahmedabad that can keep you free from hair at least for weeks, months, or a longer period of time. Today we will discuss about common hair removal methods and their effectiveness.

Options For Hair Removal

Shaving, tweezing, and waxing are one of the most common methods of hair removal but hair grows within days and weeks with these methods. If you are looking for methods that offer long-term hair removal solutions, you can consider other techniques which are as follows:


Electrolysis uses shortwave radio frequencies which are distributed via fine needles which are directly placed into the hair follicles. This destroys the hair follicles so that new hair growth is not stimulated. The procedure is performed by a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon. The procedure needs follow-up sessions every week or two. It can be done on any part of the body and it suits most skin types. The procedure can lead to little pain and redness but it subsides soon.

Laser Hair Removal

It is one of the most advanced and painless methods of getting rid of hair in the long term. Laser hair removal targets hair follicles with laser beams and damages them to prevent hair from growing.

There are several clinics that perform laser hair removal in Ahmedabad. You can choose the clinic based on the experience of the doctor and reviews from their patients.

Laser hair removal can be done on any part of the body. The treatment work best on skins with lighter tones and darker hair. Just like electrolysis, laser hair removal needs 8-10 sessions which are scheduled 4 weeks apart. The cost of the procedure depends on the area you are getting treated, the location, and the doctor you choose..

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