Top 5 Leading Causes of Hair Loss in Men and Women

Hair loss in Men and Hair loss in Women is one of the most common faced problems these days. It is literary a household issue. Hair loss can happen from slight reduction of hair to completely bald.

Hair loss not only impacts the physical appearance but also emotionally. Every individual wants to have attractive physical appearance and hair contributes majorly in this.

Leading hair loss causes losses are:

Physical Trauma

This can be a major cause for hair loss. A really stressful event can damage the hair growth and shock its cycle of growth. The hair then goes to the shedding phase. Hair loss due to physical stress can be visible in about three to six months after the trauma.

Hair Styling Treatments

Earlier hair loss problems were seen in people above the age of 30. But these days, hair loss problems are the major concern in teens also. It is caused by over usage of hair gel, ironing, hair pressing, blow drying etc. Tying the hair incorrectly and tight can also….

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Hair Restoration with PRP A Natural Approach to Thicker and Healthier Hair

Hair restoration: PRP injection is a relatively new treatment for restoring hair on your scalp. People might be apprehensive about trying the latest therapy for hair loss. However, it has been observed that PRP helps in promoting hair growth. The treatment has produced positive results in the past, and it is definitely worth trying.

The PRP Procedure

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. The minimally invasive procedure consists of drawing blood from your arm. The blood is further spun down into three layers in a centrifuge. Only the best plasma rich in platelets is injected into the scalp via microneedling. If you are one of those who get regular blood tests done, PRP treatment won’t be challenging.

How PRP Therapy Works?

The platelet-rich plasma is injected into the scalp to heal the affected areas and stimulate the reparative cells via the use of growth factors. The PRP treatment promotes the formation of substances such as collagen, which is used in anti-ageing serums. This will show signs of regrowth over time. It is a natural formula without the use of any chemicals, and hence, it is gaining popularity. As no harsh chemicals are used in the treatment, you need not worry about the side effects.

Advantages of PRP Therapy

The treatment is done in different sessions, as the PRP injection comes in more than one dose. The series of injections is used over a few weeks, and the treatment is redone over a few months. You will start witnessing positive results as the treatment progresses. You will start noticing the following:

  1. The hair will start getting thicker and comparatively denser in the problem areas that are being treated.
  2. The hairline that receded will start witnessing hair growth.
  3. The balding and thinning spots will be reversed over time.
  4. With positive results of the hair restoration treatment, you will sense improved self-confidence in all areas of life. People notice improved self-esteem with restored hair growth and reversed balding.

Who is the Right Candidate for PRP Treatment?

Though PRP treatment can benefit a wide array of candidates with various hair loss-related issues, there are a few candidates who can help more and have noticed the most effective results.

  1. People suffering from androgenic alopecia can benefit significantly from the PRP treatment. The condition is also termed male or female pattern baldness. It is not only men who suffer from hair loss and baldness. Both men and women can be treated with PRP.
  2. People who have witnessed hair loss recently are good candidates for the treatment. The simple reason is that the longer the underlying condition for hair loss exists, the longer it will take to show the results. However, that doesn’t mean others won’t witness any benefits.
  3. People in a wide range of age groups can benefit from the treatment.
  4. People suffering from hair loss due to stress can also benefit from PRP as it is not a chronic condition.
  5. Individuals suffering from excessive hair loss but not to the extent of baldness can witness thick and robust hair growth. The hair follicles that are still functioning will get a boost with PRP injections.

How can One Achieve Optimum Results from PRP Hair Restoration?

If you are considering getting the PRP treatment done, you must schedule a consultation with a certified cosmetic surgeon to determine if PRP therapy is the right choice for you. If the cosmetic surgeon feels that you are a good candidate for the procedure, you might go through the following:

  1. Three PRP injections were administered over 4 to 6 weeks.
  2. Regular injections for maintenance over 4-6 months.

People who follow the regime and stick to the procedure will notice positive results, which will leave you happy and confident. Furthermore, it is to be noted that a licensed and board-certified …

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