Why should you go for Gynecomastia

Why go for gynecomastia: Gynecomastia is a common condition experienced by boys in early or mid-puberty because of the hormonal fluctuation. However, older and middle-aged men also experience enlarged breasts and feel embarrassed because of the condition. Every man has the right to feel confident in their skin. Male breast reduction is one of the effective treatments for Gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia treatment is a popular procedure and many people are embracing it.  If you are also contemplating about getting the gynecomastia surgery done, here’s a look at some reasons why to go for gynecomastia:

It boosts self-esteem and confidence

One of the major benefits of safe Gynecomastia surgery is that apart from the obvious physical benefits, there are hundreds of men that suffer from low self-esteem due to enlarged breasts. Poor body image triggers insecurity in them and leads to anxiety. This makes it difficult for them to socialize with new people or participate in activities such as sports and games.

Men might not realize but gynecomastia can affect mental health significantly. Men often share that they feel much more confident and comfortable in their skin. They no more feel shy to talk to women or flaunt their favorite shirts.

It offers a masculine figure

Our society has preconceived notions about how a man or woman is supposed to look. Women are supposed to have curvaceous figures, while men are supposed to have toned and sculpted chests and torsos. One of the significant benefits of breast reduction for gynecomastia is getting your masculine shape back. The procedure will help men in achieving a tapered and masculine look which makes them attractive.

It becomes easy to maintain a healthy weight

To begin with, every guy with man boobs is not over weight. It is important to maintain a healthy weight but it can be challenging for men suffering from Gynecomastia. The excess tissues can make physical activity painful and uncomfortable.

Swimming can be a great way of maintaining the healthy weight but it can be embarrassing for many men. Any type of sport which involves running and jumping can be painful because of bouncing.

Once the cosmetic surgeon near you removes the excess skin and glandular tissues, you will not only have the confidence to swim and perform other activities but also get rid of pain and discomfort. If you feel smaller chest will allow you to engage in your favorite activities again, you are a perfect candidate for gynecomastia.

Read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/why-should-you-go-for-gynecomastia/

Dos and Don’t Before Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Enlarged breasts are not just a common issue among women. Even men suffer from the condition. It affects their appearance as well as their confidence. The enlarged breast condition in men is known as Gynecomastia. However, the good news is that men can get rid of the bulky appearance of the chest! Gynecomastia surgery helps with male breast reduction and offers a toned appearance of the chest.

The gynecomastia treatment has become quite popular over time. Many men opt for it owing to the physical and mental benefits it offers such as an increase in confidence. Breast reduction surgery in Mayfair Aesthetics consists of liposuction and gland incision. If you are planning on getting breast reduction surgery done, you must gather all the information about the do’s and don’ts which makes your journey towards the surgery easy.

Here’s a look at the Dos and Don’ts before male breast reduction surgery:


  • Alcohol

The candidates need to abstain from consuming alcohol at least a week before the surgery.

  • Smoking

If you are a smoker, it is important to quit smoking two weeks prior to the procedure. Nicotine is known for having a negative impact on healing.

  • Blood thinners

You must stop taking any medications that contain aspirin at least 10 days before the procedure is scheduled. Blood thinners can be herbal supplements, garlic supplements, Vitamin E and more.

  • Take some rest

You are recommended to avoid strenuous activities a few days after the surgery so that you can heal well.

  • Avoid application of scented creams and soap

It is recommended to avoid using chemicals like sprays, deodorants and scented creams, and soap a few days before and after the surgery.

  • Avoid food and water before the night of surgery

You should not take food or water after midnight before the surgery. This is important as it can affect sedation during the surgery.


  • Sickness

If you are sick or even suffering from a minor cough, cold, or flu, it is important to inform the surgeon before the procedure.

  • Come with someone who can take care of you

You should come for the procedure with someone who can take care of you. He/ she should be able to help you with chores as well as drive you back home. They should stay with you for the first 24 hours after the surgery. The doctor will let you know about the same.

  • Medication

You should share details of all the supplements as well as medications that you take regularly with the surgeon. The cosmetic surgeon near me will advise you to take 1 multivitamin a day for two weeks before the surgery.

  • Prescriptions

You must properly follow all the instructions given to you by the doctor and ask for any clarification required before and after the surgery.

Read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/dos-and-donts-before-male-breast-reduction-surgery/

Safe vaser liposuction in Ahmedabad

Safe Vaser Liposuction: Liposuction is a surgical procedure which removes unwanted fat cells from the body. It is suitable for areas of the body where stubborn fat deposits. This type of fat is challenging to get rid of despite the right diet and exercise. Common areas for liposuction are the tummy, arms, thighs, and hips.

There are different types of liposuction procedures and one of them is Vaser liposuction in Ahmedabad. It stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. Furthermore, this type of liposuction technique makes use of ultrasound waves for breaking up and liquefying fat cells. Thus, the doctor will extract fat cells easily by drawing them out via needle. This results in lesser damage to the nearby tissues as compared to the conventional liposuction procedure.

Who Can Get Vaser Liposuction?

Anyone can get a vaser liposuction in Ahmedabad. It is especially helpful for people who want to tone and sculpt the body. It can help people who are overall fit but have trouble losing fat from specific areas with diet and workout. However, just like other type of liposuction, vaser is not a treatment for obesity. It might not help much if the candidate is overweight.

A cosmetic clinic near you can do vaser liposuction in Ahmedabad . To begin with, the common areas for the procedure consist of the neck, chin, back, hips, the underside of the arms, chest, flanks, tummy, thighs, buttocks, knees, and more.

What To Expect In A Vaser Liposuction?

After the initial counseling session, you will meet the surgeon on the day of the procedure. Then, they will mark the areas of your body being treated. Later, the anesthetist will discuss the type of sedation you need. If the smaller area is being treated, local anesthetics which offer mild sedation will work. On the other hand, if the bigger area is being operated, general anesthetics will be recommended.

Read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/what-to-expect-in-a-safe-vaser-liposuction/