What Is Better- Liposuction or Bariatric Surgery?

Liposuction and bariatric surgery: Obesity is becoming one of the most common health issues facing people across the globe. It is important to get rid of obesity as it is related to diseases such as cardiovascular conditions, type 2 diabetes and many others. It has become crucial to treat obesity and improve the quality of life. However, it is not easy to lose weight. Some workouts and diets can help in losing weight but it can be gained later on.

There are some procedures such as liposuction and bariatric which can effectively help in losing weight. If you have tried rigorous workouts, strict dieting, and lifestyle changes but still witness no significant results, surgical intervention is the right choice for you! There are many different types of procedures for losing fat but the most prominent ones are liposuction and bariatric surgery in Ahmedabad.

If you are wondering which one of the two is a better choice for you, you can schedule an appointment with a reliable and experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr.Kedarnath Pandya for fat removal in Ahmedabad. Here’s a look at some information which will help in learning the difference between liposuction and bariatric surgery.

Type Of Surgery

Bariatric and liposuction are surgeries that focus on getting rid of excess body weight. However, both of them differ from one significantly. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery used for body contouring. It is meant for patients who are close to their ideal weight but unable to lose stubborn fat from certain body parts such as thighs, abdomen, buttocks, arms, chin, arms, etc.

On the other hand, bariatric surgery is a treatment for obesity. There are different types of bariatric surgery with one thing in common i.e., reduction in the size of the stomach. The surgery either restricts the capacity of the stomach or extracts a significant part of the stomach.

Some procedures change the metabolic function of the patient as they shorten a part of the small intestine.

Who Is The Right Candidate

Liposuction and bariatric surgeries are meant for different types of patients. Liposuction is meant for people who are slightly overweight or have a fat deposit in a specific part of the body. It is performed on patients below a BMI of 29. The right candidate must have good skin tone as well as elasticity. They should have good immunity and no conditions such as diabetes or blood circulation problems.

Bariatric is a treatment for morbidly obese people with BMI over 40. Patients with more than 35 BMI can also be eligible for bariatric surgery if they are suffering from conditions such as fatty level, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, etc.

Advantages Of The Procedures

The benefits of liposuction are more cosmetic in nature. Liposuction can help candidates that wish to achieve an even body contour and get rid of fat in specific areas such as the tummy, chest, and more.

Read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/what-is-better-liposuction-or-bariatric-surgery/

Which Breast Implants Feel Natural?

Natural looking breast implants: Breast augmentation is a common procedure that women opt for these days. However, it has evolved and come a long way as compared to earlier. New techniques and tools have been developed for producing enlarged and natural-looking breasts. The best breast implant surgeon can guide you through the process and help you choose the right type of and natural looking breast implants for you.

Silicone V/s Saline

It is to be known that silicone implants feel and look more natural as compared to saline implants. They are also quite soft to the touch. On the other hand, saline implants are firmer, fuller, and rounder. They also look bigger than the same volume of silicone implants and might look less natural. However, in case of any type of rupture, the saline solution will be absorbed by the body easily. The silicone implants happen to be a little expensive as compared to the saline ones.

It is also to be known that different types of breast implants can feel natural to touch if the right steps are taken.

Breast Implant Placement

There are two basic implant placement options:

  1. Above the chest placement- just below the breast tissue (subglandular)
  2. Below the breast tissue and chest muscle ( submuscular)

When a natural looking breast implant is placed above the chest, natural breast tissues will cover them. Women who have enough breast tissue won’t face an issue in this type of implant procedure. However, for women with insufficient breast tissue, the subglandular implant placement won’t look and feel natural and real.

On the other hand, the submuscular breast implant placement positions the breast implants under the tissue and muscle. As the implant gets obscured by the chest wall, one can only feel the natural breast tissue. The placement of breast implants under the chest muscles can help in camouflaging imperfections like wrinkles or ripples which might impact the saline implants.

Round V/s Teardrop Breast Implants

Breast implants can be round in shape or teardrop. The round implants can freely rotate without affecting the symmetry of the breasts. They offer ideal enhancement for the upper pole which can offer better cleavage. The teardrop implants consist of more volume in the lower portion and resemble the natural shape of human breasts. It is the patient specific anatomy as well as the results desired which will influence the best option for them.

Read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/which-breast-implants-feel-natural/

How Long Does Vaser Liposuction Take?

Lipo Treatment Near Me: Liposuction is one of the common cosmetic procedures which help in fat reduction from specific areas such as the tummy, buttocks, arms, thighs, etc. There are different types of liposuction procedures and Vaser liposuction is one of them. It is considered a game-changing technique which can help in tackling the issues with excess and stubborn fat. Let’s discuss in detail about Vaser liposuction.

How Long Does Vaser Liposuction Take?

The duration of the vaser liposuction procedure varies based on several factors such as the size of the area that needs treatment, the number of areas being treated, the amount of fat in the area to be treated, and how much fat needs to be removed. People often search for lipo treatment near me, vaser liposuction treatment and liposuction in Ahmedabad to find out the best cosmetic clinic in Ahmedabad.

You can schedule a consultation for vaser liposuction in Ahmedabad so that the best cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad can review the current body fat and the desired aesthetics. This will help in determining how long the procedure will take. On average, the procedure takes an hour for a particular area to be treated. For example, if you are getting fat removed from the abdomen and chest, the procedure will take approximately two hours.

How Does Vaser Liposuction Compare To Conventional Liposuction

You can’t make a comparison between conventional and Vaser liposuction. The lipo treatment near me might take almost two hours for treating two bigger regions of the body. On the other hand, with conventional liposuction, the procedure takes three to four hours for treating any region.

You need to be kept under observation for two-three hours after the procedure. If you are getting fat removed from two areas, the entire procedure right from the admission to discharge will take almost eight years.

What To Expect During The Procedure?

What happens during the procedure will depend on the area to be treated, health, budget, and expected results. If you are looking for significant results, the procedure will be extensive and you will be given general anesthesia, provided you are healthy enough. In other cases, you will be under oral sedation or local anesthesia.

The main aim of the cosmetic surgeon near me is to keep you pain-free during the procedure. Once you are under sedation, saline solution is injected into the targeted area which helps in breaking up the fat cells. Further, they will be liquefied with vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance i.e. VASER. In the end, it will be suctioned out.

Read the Full Blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/lipo-treatment-near-me-vaser-liposuction/

Breast Enlargement- Procedure, Cost, Recovery

Breast Enlargement Procedure: Cosmetic procedures have become quite popular over time. One such procedure is breast augmentation which is being chosen by many women. Firstly, it helps in improving the size, shape, and appearance of breasts. It has aesthetic as well as mental benefits as women feel more confident with improved appearance.

Breast implant clinics like Mayfair Aesthetics offer the best services in Ahmedabad. Moreover, it is a critical procedure that needs planning and contemplation. However, it is a common and safe procedure that is opted for by women in their mid-thirties and above. Also, consulting with an experienced surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya is the first step.

Breast Enlargement Procedure

There are various methods when it comes to breast enlargement. Initially, the surgeon conducts a thorough examination for evaluating the body for determining the appropriate method for breast enlargement.

Trans- axillary

In this method, an incision is made in the armpit for breast augmentation. Then, the incision offers access to the cavity behind your mammary gland for placing the breast implant of your choice.

Sub- pectoral

In this method, the cosmetic surgeon makes an incision under the breast. This offers access to the surgeon to control the position of the breast implant so that optimum breast size can be achieved.

Peri- areolar

In this type of surgery, the surgeon makes an incision near the nipple for inserting the implant. Once the augmentation procedure is completed, the surgeon takes stitches with sutures for securing the enlarged breasts.

Fat transfer

In this type of breast enlargement procedure, the surgeon takes fat from different parts of your body such as love handles, upper thigh, lower abdomen, or buttocks. This fat is then refined and the remaining fat tissues are injected into the breasts. This results in augmented breasts.

There are two types of implants namely saline and silicone. The doctor helps in choosing the right type of implant based on your needs and aesthetic goals.

Cost Of Procedure

Breast enlargement is a cosmetic procedure and the reason for getting the procedure done is different for everyone. The estimated cost for breast augmentation might range from Rs. 100000 to Rs. 150000 on an average. It might vary depending on the specific case and desired results.

Read the full blog here:

Festive Treatments For Skin

Skincare Treatment: With the onset of the festive season and wedding season just around the corner, women are all geared up to put their best foot forward. With all the gorgeous outfits and precious jewelry, wouldn’t it be amazing if your skin looked great too? There are so many cosmetic treatments for skin that can make your skin flawless and beautiful.

Here’s a look at some of the most common cosmetic treatments which you can choose for the festive season and become a head-turner.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal offers permanent hair growth reduction on the various parts of the body such as arms, legs, underarms, face, chin, back, stomach, bikini line, etc. Women spend so much time and money every month to get rid of unwanted hair. Also, these methods are painful and irritate the skin. It is better to opt for laser hair removal as it offers a permanent reduction in the hair growth within 6-8 sessions. When you get laser hair removal done for the face, the skin looks flawless and the makeup looks even better. Skincare treatment can be done by an experienced cosmetic surgeon.

It might appear to be a little expensive but as compared to what women spend on waxing and other methods for a lifetime, the laser treatment cost is still affordable. There are several clinics for hair removal treatment Ahmedabad but you should go for experienced doctors that use the latest machines for the procedure.

The full-body laser hair removal cost varies depending on the doctor, their experience, the machine being used, and the city/ state in which the clinic is located. It is better to schedule a consultation and get the exact quotation for the laser treatment.

Microneedling For Collagen Production

Microneedling is a common procedure which aims to boost the collagen production. A derma roller pricks small needles into the skin. This not only helps in boosting the collagen production but also in treating scars and generating newer skin tissues. It helps in achieving smooth and firm skin with even-tone.

It is safe for most types of skin, minimally invasive, and needs no downtime for healing. Though there will be some redness or irritation, it will go away soon as skin restores itself.

Chemical Peel

If you wish to get rid of the dull skin, the chemical peel procedure can help! It is mostly useful for people who wish to remove tan and restore healthy look of the skin. The procedure doesn’t lead to visible exfoliation and offers an instant glow to your skin. Some of the components used in the procedure are glycolic acid, ferulic acid, lactic acid, pyruvic acid, and vitamin C. These can be used alone or in combination.

Read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/skincare-treatment-festive/

Is hair transplant Reliable?

Safe hair transplant: Hair loss has become a common issue in both men and women. Male pattern baldness has become a concerning issue for not just elderly men but also youngsters. There can be several reasons contributing to hair loss in men such as stress, genetics, hormonal changes, medications, or as a result of aging.

However, with advancements in science men can now find a ray of hope with the hair transplant procedure. The hair loss treatment is being widely accepted by people across the globe owing to its significant success rate. Still, a lot of men wonder if the hair transplant procedure is actually effective and reliable and does it offer the claimed benefits. The answer is yes! However, it depends on several factors.

What Is Hair Transplant Procedure?

The aim of the hair transplant procedure is to restore hair growth in areas of the scalp that have no or limited growth. The procedure is performed in two ways namely FUT and FUE.

In FUT, the surgeon removes a part of the skin from the donor area followed by stitching it. The donor skin is then divided into follicular units which are then placed in the desired area on the scalp.

In the FUE method, the surgeon uses a punch for removing the donor area follicle. It does cause some scars but it is less visible and doesn’t require stitches. It requires more skills and takes more time.

Both these procedures offer effective results and can be performed within a few hours based on the number of follicles to be implanted. It can be done with local anesthesia. The patient can go home on the same day.

The Success Rate In Hair Transplant

The success rate of the procedure depends on how satisfied the patients are after the transplant is done. It usually depends on the following factors:

  • The clinical infrastructure has a crucial role to play as it ensures safety and makes sure that transplant is done the right way.
  • The technology used during the procedure also plays a role.
  • The surgeon performing the procedure their experience, qualification, and skills count.
  • Support and cooperation of patients after the hair transplant treatment.

A hair transplant is not a complicated procedure but the results vary based on several factors and one of them is the quality of your hair. An evaluation takes place before the procedure wherein the doctors examine the scalp and explains what to expect from the transplant.

  • Choose a hair transplant doctor like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya who answers your queries patiently and offers realistic claims.
  • Ask them about the recovery phase and what needs to be practiced during that phase. Post-transplant care matters.
  • You should get an insight into the myths and facts related to the hair transplant procedure.
  • Ask the doctor about tips for achieving the best results.

Read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/is-hair-transplant-reliable/

How Can I Get Rid Of gynecomastia?

Get rid of Gynecomastia: Some men suffer from breast enlargement issue. The breast tissue doesn’t develop in majority of men unlike women as they have high testosterone levels. But certain medical conditions can lead to breast enlargement in men. One such reason is Gynecomastia in men which leads to swollen breast tissue and tenderness. To begin with, it is caused by an issue with testosterone leading to an increase in estrogen levels. On the other hand, a lot of men have man boobs due to excess fat in the chest.

Though Gynecomastia is not life- threatening, it can cause psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, eating disorder, and more. The physical symptoms of gynecomastia are as follows:

  • Tender breasts
  • Discharge from the nipple
  • Swollen breast tissue
  • Pain around the breast
How To Get Rid Of Gynecomastia?

The male breast reduction surgery is done by giving anesthesia. Gynecomastia surgery in Ahmedabad is about making a small cut around the nipple and removing the excess fatty tissue with the help of a scalpel. It can also be removed with the help of liposuction. It can also be done with both techniques. The nipples are repositioned if a lot of tissues are removed.

The cosmetic surgeon will put a dressing over the wound. The surgery might take around 1.5 hours and you would be asked to stay in the hospital overnight.

Recovery After Gynecomastia

Get rid of gynecomastia quickly. Firstly, it can take a few days to recover from a breast reduction procedure. You might need to take 2-3 days off from work. Your breasts will be swollen and sore for a few days. Dr. Kedarnath Pandya will suggest you to wear a compression garment for the entire day for a span of 2-4 weeks. The compression garment supports your chest while it heals.

The duration of maintaining your dressing will depend on how fast your wounds heal. However, after a week, the stitches will be removed or they will dissolve on their own. You must avoid stretching or doing any type of heavy lifting for at least 3 weeks after the surgery. It will take 3-4 weeks until you can return to normal activities and routine. You will be able to drive the wound won’t be hurtful any longer. It might take 2-4 months to witness the complete results of the procedure.

Most men will have scars only around their nipples. But if a large breast reduction is done, it might lead to a vertical or horizontal scar on the breast crease.

Read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/how-can-i-get-rid-of-gynecomastia/