Body hair is common in both men and women but women take resort to several ways of body hair removal. They use several methods for getting rid of body hair. Many marketers claim that their products can help in permanent hair removal but the fact is that no method can remove hair permanently.

However, it is to be known that there are a few methods of hair removal in Ahmedabad that can keep you free from hair at least for weeks, months, or a longer period of time. Today we will discuss about common hair removal methods and their effectiveness.

Options For Hair Removal

Shaving, tweezing, and waxing are one of the most common methods of hair removal but hair grows within days and weeks with these methods. If you are looking for methods that offer long-term hair removal solutions, you can consider other techniques which are as follows:


Electrolysis uses shortwave radio frequencies which are distributed via fine needles which are directly placed into the hair follicles. This destroys the hair follicles so that new hair growth is not stimulated. The procedure is performed by a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon. The procedure needs follow-up sessions every week or two. It can be done on any part of the body and it suits most skin types. The procedure can lead to little pain and redness but it subsides soon.

Laser Hair Removal

It is one of the most advanced and painless methods of getting rid of hair in the long term. Laser hair removal targets hair follicles with laser beams and damages them to prevent hair from growing.

There are several clinics that perform laser hair removal in Ahmedabad. You can choose the clinic based on the experience of the doctor and reviews from their patients.

Laser hair removal can be done on any part of the body. The treatment work best on skins with lighter tones and darker hair. Just like electrolysis, laser hair removal needs 8-10 sessions which are scheduled 4 weeks apart. The cost of the procedure depends on the area you are getting treated, the location, and the doctor you choose..

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What to Expect Before and After Rhinoplasty 

What to Expect Before and After Rhinoplasty 

Cosmetic surgeries help in transforming your appearance. One such cosmetic procedure is Rhinoplasty. It re-shapes the nose if you are not happy with the proportion, size, or appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty can help in correcting a wide array of issues such as humps, depressed bridges, and uneven nostrils along with other irregularities.

How To Prepare For The Surgery?

  • You should avoid taking aspirin or anything which contains aspirin at least two weeks before the surgery.
  • You should inform the cosmetic surgeon if you are feeling sick or don with cold and flu in the weeks before the procedure.
  • You should start taking multi-vitamins two weeks before the surgery.
  • You should arrange for someone who can come along for the surgery and take you home after the procedure. They would also need to stay for 24 hours in the hospital with you after the procedure.
  • You should stock the prescriptions a few days before the procedure as per the guidance by your cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad.

It is not recommended to eat or drink at midnight before the surgery. Once you are back home after the surgery, you should only consume lighter food. You should shampoo your hair before the procedure as you might not be able to do it for a few days after the surgery. Get a good sleep before the procedure to relax and rest.

Don’t eat or drink anything in the morning before the surgery. The doctor might ask you to take some medicines in the morning. You can wash your face but avoid using any makeup or cosmetic products. It is better to avoid wearing comfortable clothes and no accessories. Wear clothes that don’t need to be pulled over the head as it can be troublesome after the surgery.

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Breast Augmentation: Surgery, cost, recovery

Breast augmentation: More and more women are opting for breast augmentation surgery to achieve the desired shape and size of their breasts. Irrespective of the reason for getting the procedure done, the procedure is gaining popularity in urban cities. According to a survey, India ranked fourth in the cosmetic surgeries performed in the last year and breast augmentation makes for a significant percentage of the same.

Also known as mammoplasty, breast augmentation helps in increasing the size of the breast. It enhances the aesthetic appearance and also boosts the confidence of women. When breast enlargement is combined with reconstructive surgery the breasts become fuller and tone.

Purpose Of Getting Breast Augmentation Done

The main aim of the procedure is to reconstruct the size or shape of the breasts for getting symmetrical breasts. The procedure requires thorough planning and consultation before going ahead with the procedure. It has been observed that most women in their mid thirties are opting for the procedure for improving the appearance of their breasts.

Types Of Breast Augmentation Procedure

There are different types of breast implants and their cost depends on the material used i.e. silicone or saline. The surgeon suggests the right implant options after a thorough diagnosis and assessment of the breasts.

  • Saline breast implant

This type of breast implant comes in the form of a shell. It is placed in the cavity of the breasts and filled with saline solution. It is to be known that saline implants are stiff as compared to silicone breast implants.

  • Silicone breast implant

This type of implant is filled with silicone gel and it comes in a round shape. The implants offer a natural feel and appearance to the breasts.

Whether to go for silicone breasts or saline is a personal decision and can be based on the breast implant surgeon’s suggestion as well.

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