The Ultimate Guide to Gynecomastia Treatment Everything You Need to Know

Male Breast Reduction Surgery: Gynecomastia is a common condition in men. It is the increase in the level of breast gland tissues in males due to the hormonal imbalance of testosterone and estrogen. Gynecomastia might affect one or both breasts. When there is an increase in the fat and not glandular tissue, it is termed Pseudogynecomastia.

Older men or boys undergoing puberty might develop gynecomastia as a result of hormonal changes. However, there can be other causes as well. Though it is not a serious medical condition, it can be challenging to cope with it. Men feel embarrassed because of breast growth which affects their confidence. Some males might also experience pain in the breasts. Gynecomastia might resolve automatically but if it persists, surgery can prove to be helpful.

One of the best solutions for gynecomastia is male breast reduction surgery. The gynecomastia surgery removes excess tissues from the breasts. It is a safe surgery that can be performed on males of any age considering they are in good health.

Causes of Gynecomastia

There are several causes of gynecomastia which are as follows:

As mentioned above, gynecomastia is caused because of an imbalance between the hormones testosterone and estrogen. While estrogen makes the breast tissue grow, testosterone prevents it from growing the breast tissue. Though both males and females have testosterone and estrogen hormones, testosterone is higher in males and estrogen in females.

Young boys might experience gynecomastia due to hormone fluctuation which might resolve while growing up. Swollen breasts are common in men approaching older age as they produce less testosterone but have higher levels\ of body fat. This leads to an increase in estrogen levels.

Some men develop gynecomastia due to the following medications:

  1. Antibiotics
  2. Anti-androgens
  3. Ulcer medications
  4. Anabolic steroids
  5. Chemotherapy
  6. HIV medications
  7. Tricyclic antidepressants
  8. Diazepam and medicines for anxiety
  9. Heart- disease drugs

Symptoms of Gynecomastia

Symptoms of gynecomastia consist of tenderness and swelling in the breast gland tissue of one or both breasts. It begins as fatty tissue around the individual’s nipples. In most of the cases, the lump development is uneven. In case of persistent swelling and pain along with nipple discharge, it is essential to consult a physician.

Diagnosis of Gynecomastia

The best cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya asks about the medical history, drug history, and symptoms for diagnosis. They will perform a physical examination of the breasts. If the cause of the enlarged breasts is hormonal imbalance, the doctor will suggest that the condition will resolve automatically without any treatment.

If the lump is larger than usual, one-sided, or tender, the doctor will ask for blood test, or biopsy to rule out any chances of breast cancer. Diagnosis will also consist of imaging tests such as:

  1. Mammograms/ breast ultrasounds
  2. Testicles ultrasounds
  3. Chest x-rays
  4. MRI Scans

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Arm Lift for Weight Loss Patients- Addressing Excess Skin

The arm lift surgery is also known as Brachioplasty. It is a common cosmetic surgery opted by both women and men. The Brachioplasty procedure aims at treating the sagging underarm skin. It reduces excess skin and fat while smoothing and tightening the tissues. It offers a defined and toned look to the upper arms.

There can be several reasons for losing skin in the arms such as aging or genetics. One can be left with loose skin even after losing significant weight. Irrespective of the reason for losing skin, a few factors should be considered while opting for an arm lift surgery.

Preparing for an Arm Lift

A few steps must be taken weeks or months before the surgery to make the outcome as effective as possible. For example, smokers should quit smoking at least a month or two before the procedure to reduce the risk of any complications. Smoking can lead to complications and slow the process of wound healing. It can also increase the risk of infection.

The surgeon will also perform an evaluation to ensure that the candidate is ready for the procedure. They will look at the existing medical conditions and history. It is here that the candidate can also get their queries and concerns addressed.

Dr Kedarnath Pandya will check the underlying medical conditions and perform some tests such as an electrocardiogram, lab work, and chest x-ray along with adjusting the current medications and prescribing pre-operative medicines.

Arm Lift Procedure

The arm lift procedure starts with the doctor marking the area on the arm from where they intend to make the incision. There are different ways of performing the arm lift procedure but the most common areas consist of the inside and back of the arms. Other areas for incision include the armpit incision and the one which extends from the top elbow to the armpit.

The cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad will give general or local anesthetics based on the surgical method opted for. Depending on the marks made on the arm, the best cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad will make an incision followed by reshaping the tissues and tightening them. They will further pull the skin back and close the wound with stitches. In case of extra pockets of fat in the arm, it becomes difficult to fully heal and hence the doctor will use liposuction simultaneously to remove the fat. It takes almost three hours for the entire procedure.

You would need someone to drive you back home after the appointment. In case you need to stay at the hospital overnight, there should be someone to stay with you.

Risks Associated with Arm Lift

Like any other surgery, the arm lift procedure will come with few risks. Apart from the pain and infection, there are other risks associated with arm lifts such as:

  1. Permanent scarring
  2. Excessive bleeding
  3. Fatty tissue death
  4. Fluid buildup
  5. Nerve, muscle, and blood vessel damage

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