Does Hair Transplant Work? Procedure, Side Effects, and recovery

Hair Transplant Procedure: Hair fall is a common issue faced by people of any age. Also, it has become quite common even in people of young age. Hair transplants have emerged as an effective treatment for combating hair thinning. The procedure adds hair to a specific area that has been experiencing balding or hair thinning.

A Hair transplant is a hair restoration method that was first performed decades ago in Japan. Over the years, the technique has advanced significantly.

Does Hair Transplant Procedure Work?

Hair transplant is more successful than other treatments.  Although, you need to be aware of certain factors which are as follows:

  • Approximately 10 to 80% of the transplanted hair grows back fully in 3-4 months.
  • Just like your regular hair, the transplanted hair will experience thinning over time.
  • People having dormant hair follicles have lesser chances of effective hair transplant. However, plasma therapy can help 75% and more transplanted hairs to grow fully.

It is to be known that hair transplants may or may not work for everyone. Most of the hair transplants are done with existing hair therefore they might not be as effective for treating people with the following conditions:

  • Wide area with hair thinning and baldness.
  • Loss of hair due to chemotherapy or other medical conditions.
  • Inadequate donor area on scalp
How Is Hair Transplant Procedure Done?

A hair transplant takes the hair and transfers it to an area that doesn’t have hair. Before the procedure, the hair transplant surgeon sterilizes the area where the hair will be removed. This will numb the area with a local anesthetic. You can ask for sedation to stay asleep during the procedure.

The transplant is performed in two ways- FUE and FUT.

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How Breast Enlargement can Boost Confidence

Breast enlargement in Ahmedabad: For women, breasts are an important part of their appearance. The way their breasts appear impacts their confidence. Every woman desires to have bigger, firm, and voluptuous breasts that enhance the beauty of her figure. Well endowed breasts offer a good contour to the figure.

With cosmetic surgeries coming into the picture, women can get the desired shape and size of their breasts. Of course, breast augmentation surgery helps safely increase breast size in a safe manner. The procedure makes the breasts proportionate as compared to the rest of the body.

There can be several reasons why women decide to get the augmentation done.

  • Some women desire to get back their pre-pregnancy breasts back
  • Some want to add volume to their breasts
  • There are few that wish to correct any natural deformity
  • There are some that simply want bigger breasts

Irrespective of the reason, once women get the best breast implants, it’s not just their body that changes but also their confident and, in some cases, their mental well-being as well.

Let’s have a look at how women feel more positive and confidence after the breast augmentation procedure:

Curves offer them confidence

There have been several women, especially in the glam world who have gotten their breasts enhanced and admitted to feeling more confident post the augmentation. Breast enlargement is no longer a plastic surgery that is kept under the wraps. It makes women feel empowered and positive and they admit about it without any qualms.

Implants can change women’s life in a positive way. Also, it boosts women’s self-esteem and how they look at themselves. Not to mention, their clothes fit better which makes them feel prettier. Additionally, it’s not about impressing others or grabbing attention, it’s about making self feel better.

Improved sense of body image

There is a link between bigger breasts and improved body image. Firstly, several surveys show that women feel a boost in their confidence after the breast enlargement surgery. Women share that they feel more attractive and confident after the augmentation.

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How is Liposuction Treatment Done?

Liposuction treatment in Ahmedabad is a cosmetic procedure which is meant for removing fat that people struggle to lose with diets and workouts. A cosmetic surgeon will conduct the procedure on areas such as hips, thighs, back, belly, buttocks, arms, and under the chin for improving the shape. Liposuction can be done as a standalone procedure or in conjunction with other cosmetic surgeries like breast reductions, facelifts, tummy tucks, etc.

Who Is A Good Candidate?

Before the liposuction in Ahmedabad is done, you must get a clear idea to have realistic expectations from the procedure. Liposuction doesn’t help in getting rid of cellulite so having any such expectation will only disappoint you! It is a surgical process and just like any other surgery comes with few risks. It is therefore important for you to be in good health before going ahead with the procedure.

You should be within 30% of the ideal weight, have firm and elastic skin, and stop smoking a few weeks before the procedure. If you have health issues related to blood flow, heart disease, diabetes, or a weak immune system, doctors won’t recommend liposuction.

What Should You Know Beforehand?

The first step is consulting the cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad and discussing your goals along with options and risks. The doctor will answer your queries and let you know the benefits. Once you decide to proceed ahead, the doctor will give you some instructions for preparation. This is mostly about following a healthy lifestyle with a good diet and eliminating smoking and alcohol from your routine.

You should share your medical history with the doctor along with any allergies and medications that you are taking including herbal supplements. The doctor will ask you to stop taking painkillers and blood thinners before the surgery.

What To Expect From The Surgery?

The liposuction might take place at the cosmetic surgeon’s clinic. Choose an accredited cosmetic clinic and known for stringent standards, good results, and safety.

You will be able to go home on the day of the surgery. Just make sure you have someone who can drive you back home. The doctor will mark the areas before treatment. Then they might also take pictures for before and after comparisons.

How Is Liposuction Treatment Done?

The cosmetic surgeon will use general anesthesia for the procedure. The team will monitor your vitals including blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen level during the procedure.

The cosmetic surgeon will do a small incision to get access to the fat. Then, they will insert a suction device via incision and fat present between the skin and the muscles s removed. The suction device might vary depending o the type of liposuction being performed.

The types of liposuctions can be named as tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, and laser-assisted liposuction.

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