Four Things You didn’t Know About Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is something that you must have heard about. Also, known as Vaginoplasty, the procedure helps in tightening the inner and outer muscles along with the structure of the vagina. It enhances vaginal muscle tone, control, and strength. The main aim of female genital rejuvenation is to treat vaginal relaxation which is associated with aging and vaginal childbirth.

In short, it is a non-hormonal treatment that helps in restoring the aesthetics and function of the pelvic area. Vaginal rejuvenation is still a novel concept as not many women have opted for it. Though it is being chosen by women in recent years, the numbers are comparatively low as compared to other cosmetic procedures.

Here’s a look at some facts about vaginoplasty:

The Vaginoplasty Is Not Just About Better Intimacy

There are several reasons women choose to opt for vaginal rejuvenation and it has nothing do to with intimacy. It has more to do with the vaginal structure which leads to discomfort or functional issues like visible scar tissue around the vagina, popping sounds during a yoga session or walking, holding tampons, issues with bowel movements, and more.

However, one of the benefits of vaginoplasty is definitely an improved intimacy experience. As the vaginal rejuvenation tightens the vaginal canal, friction increases during intercourse. It leads to greater stimulation and an increased sense of pleasure.

As per studies, 80 to 90% of patients experience improvement in sexual pleasure after the procedure. Apart from the structure of the vaginal walls, it is the aesthetic appearance that also improves. This enhances self-esteem and confidence which increases the libido.

It Should Be Performed By A Specialist

Vaginal rejuvenation surgery in Ahmedabad should be performed by a surgeon who specializes in aesthetic vaginal surgeries like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya. Patients should look for a specialist who has experience of performing several vaginal rejuvenation procedures and is well acquainted with everything about the procedure as well as the preferences of patients. They should also be aware of the latest surgical management for offering optimum results not only functionally but also aesthetically.

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