Surgery for Hair Loss

Surgery for Hair Loss: Hair loss which is identified by baldness or thinning of hair can happen because of various reasons. At times, hair loss can be a reflection of some underlying disease or health condition. When experiencing hair loss, it is important to first understand the reason for determining the treatment. Seeing a dermatologist can help in finding out the root cause of the problem. Dermatologists can also help with hair loss prevention and renewing growth.

For individuals suffering from severe hair loss, hair transplant surgery can prove to be helpful. It is a safe procedure which can help in achieving new hair growth. After an initial consultation, the a hair transplant surgeon will recommend if hair transplant is needed and also explain the procedure as well as the type of procedure required in the candidate’s specific case.

Here’s a look at some common reasons contributing to hair loss:

Nutritional Deficiency

A deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can also lead to hair loss and reduced hair growth. Zinc, protein, biotin, iron, etc contribute to good hair health.

Hormonal Imbalance

Excessive androgens can lead to hormonal imbalance which is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Androgens lead to male and female pattern baldness. In female- pattern baldness androgens can cause weak hair follicles and excessive shedding. Male pattern baldness is caused by an increase in DHT androgen. It can stop hair growth and decrease the overall span of the hair.


Hair loss can also happen as a side effect of some medications. It is known as drug-induced hair loss.

Oral contraceptives, blood-thinning medicines, drugs for depression, beta and calcium channel blockers, and anti-inflammatory, can all lead to hair thinning or baldness.

Thyroid Issues

Other types of hormone-associated issues can also cause hair loss. An under active thyroid or an overactive thyroid can lead to hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. Thyroid hormones regulate almost every function in the body which includes hair growth as well.


Stress can also trigger hair loss. Mental strain caused from disease or emotional trauma can lead to hair loss. Hair fall is also common during recovery from illness. Hair falls after a stressful event can occur within 3 to 6 months.

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Hair Fall – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Hair fall is one of the most common issues faced by people. Irrespective of age and gender, hair loss has affected many lives. When the hair loss is temporary, you don’t need to worry about it. However, chronic or severe hair fall can become a cause of concern. It can be due to medical conditions, hormonal issues, or a part of aging.

While women suffer from hair thinning, men experience baldness. Nevertheless, both the conditions are a result of excessive hair loss from the scalp.  Hereditary hair loss with growing age is a common cause of baldness or hair thinning. Some people never do anything about hair loss and leave it untreated. While others try to cover the bald patches with hairstyles, hats, scarves, or wigs. There are only a few that choose available treatments for preventing further hair fall and restore growth.

Symptoms of Hair Loss

  • Gradual thinning of the hair.
  • Patchy bald spots.
  • Sudden loosening of the hair.
  • Receding hairline becoming visible with every passing year.
  • Widening part.
  • Thinning of ponytails and braids.

Causes of Hair loss

Hormonal changes

This can lead to temporary hair loss. Hormonal changes occur in women during childbirth, menopause, pregnancy, and discontinuing the use of contraceptives. PCOS can also lead to hair thinning and female pattern baldness in women.

Medical conditions

Medical conditions causing hair loss can be thyroid disease, scalp infections, alopecia areata, deficiency of iron, protein, vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, etc. Hair loss can also be triggered due to cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, cardiac conditions, and depression. Acute illnesses like typhoid, dengue, the recent pandemic COVID -19 can also be a cause of severe hair fall. Yes, to be healthy was never this pivotal.

Physical and Psychological

A physical or emotional shock, excess amount of stress can also lead to hair loss.

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