Breast Implants After Pregnancy- How to Maintain Aesthetic Results

Boob job near me: Women who are not happy with the way their breasts look can take resort to breast implant surgery. It helps in enhancing the size and shape of the breasts and makes them appear symmetrical. Breast implant surgery has become increasingly popular among women. It is ideal for both young and aged women.

However, it is recommended that women opt for a boob job in Ahmedabad after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Both these phases bring a lot of changes in women’s bodies, especially breasts. Most women feel that their breasts no longer look and feel the same way as they did before pregnancy. Women crave and want their bodies to look as beautiful and lively as they did before motherhood. Through proper lifestyle and diet help in achieving a healthy body post-pregnancy, the breasts might still feel sagging or deflated.

What Kind of Breast Rejuvenation Should You Choose?

If you are looking for a suitable breast enlargement procedure post-pregnancy and nursing, breast implants and breast lifts are two of the common choices. Both procedures can significantly improve the appearance of the breasts that started looking flat or empty.

During the breast lift procedure, the breast implant surgeon will make a small incision via which they will lift, reshape, and contour the breast tissue. It offers a firmer appearance to the breasts along with a youthful contour. The doctor removes excess skin and also repositions the areola and nipple as required. On the other hand, breast implants consist of inserting an implant behind the natural breast tissue to offer better fullness and volume to the breasts.

Consulting a certified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya will help in deciding which procedure is ideal for you and benefit your condition the most. In some cases, doctor might combine both the procedures for achieving the best results. The surgeon will first assess the breasts and recommend a tailor-made solution for meeting the goals.

When Should You Get Breast Implant Surgery Done?

The procedure for breast increasing should be done after finishing the breastfeeding. It is also recommended to wait before getting pregnant anymore before undergoing surgery. In most cases, it is good to wait for at least six months after breastfeeding has stopped to get the breast implant surgery done. It allows the body some time to adjust and the breast tissues to settle.

How to Maintain Aesthetic Results after Breast Implant Surgery?Allow Time for Recovery

Breast augmentation surgery needs the patient to take a few days off. The recovery phase is minimal but it is essential to follow the instructions of the surgeon during this period. You must avoid sleeping on the stomach or side for at least 2 weeks. Alcohol intake and blood thinners should be avoided. The incision site should be kept away from water for 3-5 days post-surgery. The patient should not wear an underwire bra for 5-6 weeks after the surgery.

Instead of bathing, one should opt for showering followed by drying the surgical site. Jumping, running, and any kind of rigorous physical activity should be avoided as they can tear the stitch or dislodge the implants.

Offer Proper Support

After the breast implant surgery, the patient needs a quality bra for required support. The bra should be able to limit the effect of gravity on the breasts. It also helps in preventing premature sagging. Choose the bra wisely considering it offers required support for the augmented support. Even after recovery, you need to wear a well-fitted bra, especially while exercising.

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Exploring Different Approaches to Brazilian Butt Lift- Traditional vs. Hybrid Techniques

For women who are not happy with the way their buttocks appear can go for cosmetic procedures. A buttock lift can help in enhancing the appearance and improve the clothes fitting. However, the buttock lift is used interchangeably with the Brazilian butt lift. It is to be known that both of these procedures are completely different and offer varied results.

For buttock enhancement, it is recommended to choose an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya. Also, it offers assurance of successful results and safety.

What is Buttock Lift?

It is the process of improving the appearance of the buttock by toning the underlying tissues for enhancing their shape. The surgery can help in correcting sagging buttocks. Sagging is caused by several factors like weight fluctuations or aging.

The surgeon removes the fat and lifts the sagging skin for improving the buttock contour. It is to be noted that the traditional buttock lift won’t increase its size. It will only improve the smoothness and shape of the skin.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift- BBL?

The process of butt lift Brazilian not only lifts the buttocks but also aims at augmenting the size of the buttock. It is done by removing fat from the thighs, waist, and abdomen and using it for augmenting the buttocks. The BBL procedure offers natural results and there is limited risk of any kind of complications as the fat is extracted from your body.

Other Butt Enhancement Techniques

Apart from the traditional BBL and butt lift procedure, buttock augmentation can help in increasing the fullness of the buttocks. Unlike a BBL surgery, buttock augmentation needs silicone implants.

Who is the Right Candidate for Butt Enhancement Procedure?

The following factors decide if you are the right candidate for Brazilian butt lift surgery:

  1. Buttock Lift

The candidate needs to be in overall good health for the butt lift procedure. If the candidate has substantial loose soft tissue in the butt area and if they don’t smoke, they can be a good candidate for the procedure. It helps if the candidate has a healthy lifestyle along with proper nutrition and fitness. It helps in qualifying for a butt life process.

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian butt lift is suitable for candidates with small and flat butt areas. The BBL procedure will transform the buttock and improve the body contour. In order to qualify for the BBL, the candidate should be a non-smoker and in good health. People who fail to find results with diet and exercise can opt for BBL. Also, the candidate must have sufficient fat in the donor area to qualify for the surgery.

  1. Buttock Implants

Candidates for buttock augmentation should be healthy along with having realistic expectations from the procedure. Buttock implants are ideal for candidates with asymmetrical butt or the ones who are not happy with the shape or size of the buttock.

How is Buttock Lift Surgery Performed?

The doctor administers anesthesia so that the candidate doesn’t feel any discomfort or pain during the procedure. The cosmetic surgeon makes an incision below the butt i.e., between the upper thigh and crease of the butt. Then the cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad removes excessive tissues and skin to create a smooth surface and a defined crease. The surgeon closes the incision with tapes, skin adhesives, and deep sutures.

It will take almost 3- 6 months for the tissues to settle down but the results can be witnessed after the surgery.

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