Can lip Filler look Natural

Natural Lip Filler: Many women are not satisfied with the way their lips appear. Thanks to lip fillers, women can achieve plumper and fuller-looking lips to enhance their appearance. However, some women are skeptical about how the lip fillers will look on them and more than that, will they look natural.

However, you need not worry as the fact is you can get natural looking lip fillers based on the type of filler you choose and the results you are looking for. The filler can give you anything from natural plump to celebrity-like pout! Irrespective of the type of look you desire for; you must always choose a highly experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya who uses latest methods of treatment. They will create a custom plan for meeting your needs within a specific budget and desired goals.

It takes only 60 minutes for the lip filler process to complete and there is no downtime. You can resume your routine activities soon after the procedure. There is no need for anesthesia as well, just a numbing cream helps.

What Determines The Appearance Of Fillers?

There are several factors which contribute to the natural appearance of lip fillers. One of the main reasons for fake looking lips is that their cosmetic surgeon might have used wrong type of dermal fillers or did a bad job during the procedure. In order to achieve natural looking appearance, lip fillers should be done strategically with precision. This makes it important for the doctor to have significant experience as well as an artistic eye.

Another consideration to make is choosing the right type of filler. There are different types of lip fillers in the market. However, experts say that the right type of filler is the one that contains hyaluronic acid as it mimics the natural chemical produced by your body. When the hyaluronic filler is applied the right way, you can achieve beautiful yet subtle results which can last from 3 to 18 months. An experienced doctor will apply the right amount of FDA- approved fillers on both the top and bottom lip for a realistic appearance.

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There has been an increase in people looking for laser hair removal. It has sparked interest and curiosity among people who are looking forward to taking resort to this permanent method of hair reduction. Though laser is an effective method of hair removal, people have several concerns and queries about the same.

Here’s a look at some FAQs about laser hair removal that will offer an insight into the procedure and help you make the right decision.

What Is The Need For Laser Hair Removal?

Unwanted hair on arms, legs, underarms, upper lips, bikini area, cheeks, and back can make women conscious of their appearance. They remove their body hair by shaving, waxing, tweezing, etc. These methods offer temporary results and can be painful. As compared to these tedious methods, laser hair removal offers significant hair growth reduction. Therefore, the demand for laser hair removal has increased by many folds in recent years. The best laser hair removal surgeon in Ahmedabad is Dr. Kedarnath Pandya and getting your cosmetic procedures done by him means there is assured results.

Who Is The Right Candidate For Laser Hair Removal?

Women and men both are the right candidates for laser hair removal. While most women seek laser hair removal for underarms, legs, and bikini line, men like to get laser for back, neck, ear lobes, etc. When the laser was introduced for hair removal, it was meant for patients with lighter skin and darker hair. However, with the advent of new technology, patients will all types of skin and hair color can be treated.

What Types Of Results Should One Expect From The Procedure?

Most of the patients require 8-10 laser sessions that are scheduled 4- 6 weeks apart so that you can achieve desired results by targeting the follicles during the growth stage. Patients can receive long-lasting benefits for unwanted body hair. It is to be known that patients with lighter hair might need more treatments as compared to others to observe effective results by the end of the procedure.

For permanent hair reduction, 6 to 12 sessions are required. Patients will experience results at a different rate based on their skin type and hair color.

What Is The Cost Of The Treatment?

The price of the hair removal depends on the size of the area you are getting laser treatment done as well as the cosmetic surgeon you choose. The treatment can seem to be a bit expensive but it will help in saving money in the long run. You would no more need parlor appointments and that saves money every month. Apart from that, it also helps in saving time and saves you from the pain of cuts and pulling of the hair.

Is Laser hair Removal Painful?

The laser hair removal is mildly painful depending on the area of the body where you undergo the treatment. Sensitive skin is more likely to feel pain but for minimizing the pain a numbing cream or gel will be applied to your skin prior to the treatment. The hair removal surgeon near you will ensure that you are at ease.

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