Exploring Different Approaches to Brazilian Butt Lift- Traditional vs. Hybrid Techniques

For women who are not happy with the way their buttocks appear can go for cosmetic procedures. A buttock lift can help in enhancing the appearance and improve the clothes fitting. However, the buttock lift is used interchangeably with the Brazilian butt lift. It is to be known that both of these procedures are completely different and offer varied results.

For buttock enhancement, it is recommended to choose an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Kedarnath Pandya. Also, it offers assurance of successful results and safety.

What is Buttock Lift?

It is the process of improving the appearance of the buttock by toning the underlying tissues for enhancing their shape. The surgery can help in correcting sagging buttocks. Sagging is caused by several factors like weight fluctuations or aging.

The surgeon removes the fat and lifts the sagging skin for improving the buttock contour. It is to be noted that the traditional buttock lift won’t increase its size. It will only improve the smoothness and shape of the skin.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift- BBL?

The process of butt lift Brazilian not only lifts the buttocks but also aims at augmenting the size of the buttock. It is done by removing fat from the thighs, waist, and abdomen and using it for augmenting the buttocks. The BBL procedure offers natural results and there is limited risk of any kind of complications as the fat is extracted from your body.

Other Butt Enhancement Techniques

Apart from the traditional BBL and butt lift procedure, buttock augmentation can help in increasing the fullness of the buttocks. Unlike a BBL surgery, buttock augmentation needs silicone implants.

Who is the Right Candidate for Butt Enhancement Procedure?

The following factors decide if you are the right candidate for Brazilian butt lift surgery:

  1. Buttock Lift

The candidate needs to be in overall good health for the butt lift procedure. If the candidate has substantial loose soft tissue in the butt area and if they don’t smoke, they can be a good candidate for the procedure. It helps if the candidate has a healthy lifestyle along with proper nutrition and fitness. It helps in qualifying for a butt life process.

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian butt lift is suitable for candidates with small and flat butt areas. The BBL procedure will transform the buttock and improve the body contour. In order to qualify for the BBL, the candidate should be a non-smoker and in good health. People who fail to find results with diet and exercise can opt for BBL. Also, the candidate must have sufficient fat in the donor area to qualify for the surgery.

  1. Buttock Implants

Candidates for buttock augmentation should be healthy along with having realistic expectations from the procedure. Buttock implants are ideal for candidates with asymmetrical butt or the ones who are not happy with the shape or size of the buttock.

How is Buttock Lift Surgery Performed?

The doctor administers anesthesia so that the candidate doesn’t feel any discomfort or pain during the procedure. The cosmetic surgeon makes an incision below the butt i.e., between the upper thigh and crease of the butt. Then the cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad removes excessive tissues and skin to create a smooth surface and a defined crease. The surgeon closes the incision with tapes, skin adhesives, and deep sutures.

It will take almost 3- 6 months for the tissues to settle down but the results can be witnessed after the surgery.

Read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/exploring-different-approaches-to-brazilian-butt-lift-traditional-vs-hybrid-techniques/

Combining Vaginal Rejuvenation with Other Aesthetic Procedures: Comprehensive Solutions

Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery: Female sexual awareness is important for every woman. It consists of several aspects such as genital health, physical satisfaction, libido, emotional response, and much more. If a woman is not happy due to the appearance of the vagina, reduced sexual pleasure, and discomfort, there are several vaginal rejuvenation surgery that can help. Many such procedures offer the best results when combined. Sexual wellness and health can have a significant impact on the emotional health of a woman.

Here’s a look at different types of vaginal rejuvenation treatments that can work alone or combined together for improving sexual wellness. These procedures help in treating structural, functional, or cosmetic issues:


Many women can have large labia minora which can be due to genetic reasons. It also becomes stretched due to age and childbirth. Enlarged labia minora which protrude outside the outer labia can lead to discomfort during intercourse and irritation during exercising and walking.

Labiaplasty helps in removing the excess tissue and decreases the length and width of the labia for relieving the symptoms. The procedure helps in rectifying any type of pre-existing asymmetry.


During childbirth, the vaginal tissues ad muscles get stretched to a great extent to make enough room for the baby to come out. However, these tissues seldom return to their normal self. You need medical intervention as it can lead to sexual dysfunction.

A vaginoplasty is a procedure designed for performing tightening the vaginal opening and canal. It is done by reconnecting the muscles that have separated along with removing the excess tissue and skin followed by suturing it back.

Clitoral hood reduction

Clitoral hood reduction is also a type of rejuvenation vaginal procedure. It is performed by removing the excess skin fold in the clitoral hood. The surgery helps in reducing the size of the big clitoral hood. It is combined with a labiaplasty surgery for maintaining the balance with small labia minora.


A perineoplasty helps in addressing the issue related to perineum which is the area between the anus and vagina. It gets stretched out or even torn during childbirth. The surgery is designed for restoring the function of the vagina and improving the sexual satisfaction by tightening the muscles as well as surrounding tissues.

Episiotomy Revision

An episiotomy is a procedure that is aimed at assisting childbirth by making a cut to the perineum. However, it can lead to many functional and cosmetic issues in the long run. It can lead to problems such as painful intercourse, swelling, infection, and in rare cases incontinence.

Read full blog : https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/combining-vaginal-rejuvenation-with-other-aesthetic-procedures-comprehensive-solutions/

Understanding the Cost of a Hair Transplant- What Factors are Involved?

Hair Transplantation Cost: Most people have good hair during the early years of life but stress, poor diet, illness, and genetic reasons lead to hair loss. The hair loss can get worse over time and gradually turns into bald spots in men. While there are many treatments for hair loss, in some cases, they just don’t work. It is here that hair transplantation comes into the picture.

What is Hair Transplantation?

It is a surgical procedure where hair is removed from one area, known as the donor area, and grafted to the bald spot on the head. Usually, the donor area is the back of the head. Hair transplantation is a common restoration method that offers permanent results and looks quite natural.

Growing bald can affect an individual in several ways. It not only changes the physical appearance of a person but also affects their confidence. Hair loss and bald spots can make a man look aged. It can look to insecurity and self-consciousness. If other methods of hair restoration fail to work, a hair transplant is an option to look for.

Some people would take resort to wigs and hair patches as a solution but they looked unnatural and were quite noticeable. It made men more conscious about their appearance. However, hair transplant results are brilliant and it creates an absolutely natural look. Also, the results are long-lasting.

Wigs need a lot of care and maintenance and need replacement after a while. On the other hand, hair transplants are grafted onto the scalp. Even if the hair falls, new hair will grow soon! It usually takes 5-6 months to witness the results in the form of new hair growth in the bald spot.

Hair Transplant Cost in India

A hair transplant is an expensive procedure. The cost of surgery might vary from INR 35, 000 to 2, 65, 000 in Ahmedabad. However, this is an approximate amount. The exact cost depends on the area to be treated and the number of grafts.

Also, there are various factors involved in the hair transplantation cost in India. The cost consists of the cost of grafts, Post surgery PRP sessions, and hospital stay. The grafts cost around INR 25 to 80 while the PRP sessions cost approximately INR 20, 000 to 60, 000 for 2 to 6 sessions. Their hospital stay is around 6 – 10 thousand. They stay will vary depending on the patient’s condition and recovery.

It is better to get a detailed consultation from the hair transplant surgeon. It will help in getting the queries answered about the procedure as well as the cost and its breakup. The patient must be aware of each component of the total cost as you must know what you are paying for.

Ideal Candidate for Hair Transplant

  1. An ideal candidate for a hair transplant is one with baldness grade III.
  2. Is it overall good health?
  3. Has stabilized hair loss.
  4. Other treatments fail to show the results.

Know more here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/understanding-the-cost-of-a-hair-transplant-what-factors-are-involved/

Women Getting More Hair Transplants

Hair Transplant for Women: Hair loss affects both men and women. Every individual experiences hair loss at some point. However, some people face it more than others. Some people ignore it while others take action before it’s too late. These days, thanks to advanced technology, there are several solutions available. One of the best options available to assist with irreversible hair loss is hair transplantation. It is a surgical way of hair restoration.

However, hair transplantation is the last option for treating hair loss. Though it is mostly associated with men, hair transplant is not confined to men. Even women can opt for it. It is a common misconception that women don’t go bald and hence hair transplant is not meant for them. Hair transplantation is certainly an option for restoring hair in women as well. Female pattern thinning is termed FPT.

In men, hair loss is characterized by U-shaped. It begins with thinning on the crown followed by a receding hairline. In women, Androgenetic Alopecia is the main reason for hair loss. The frontal hairline is gets spared in most cases. This type of hair loss is slower as compared to men and happens at a later stage in life. Hairfall control treatment and hair thinning treatments are recommended first. If they prove to be ineffective, hair transplantation surgery is the last resort.

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is the surgical procedure of restoring the hair permanently. The procedure consists of removing hair and follicles from the donor area of the scalp and grafting it onto the balding area i.e. recipient site. Once you have chosen the hair transplant clinic near me, it is time to schedule a consultation session.

There are many hair transplant clinic in Ahmedabad but a little research will help you find the best one! During the consultation, get your queries answered along with the information about the cost of the procedure. Always ask for hair transplantation before and after images of the previous patients.

Are Women Suitable Candidates for Hair Transplantation?

Yes women are a candidate for transplant of the hair and scalp condition needs it. It is true that most hair transplant procedures are performed on men as compared to women but it is due to the difference in the pattern of hair loss. Women mostly experience diffuse hair loss. Whether the transplant is viable or not can be decided based on the kind of hair loss as well as the hair and scalp condition.

The best hair transplant surgeon – Dr. Kedarnath Pandya says that one solution doesn’t fit all and that hair restoration is a personal need which required a customized solution. A suitable candidate should have enough follicles in the donor area. These follicles should be healthy enough to grow out healthy in the normal course of time. Women suffering from Alopecia can find an excellent solution for their hair loss concerns. Women who have had scalp injuries and lost hair from a patch can restore them with the transplantation procedure.

It is to be known that, women suffering from diffuse hair loss throughout the scalp are not a suitable candidate for the procedure. There are several treatments available for treating diffuse hair loss. A hair transplant clinic like Mayfair Aesthetic will make it clear during the consultation itself if you are the right candidate for the transplantation or not.

Women suffering from medical conditions such as Thyroid disorders, PCOS, or pregnancy can take resort to suitable treatments for addressing the reversible hair loss. Timely intervention combined with guidance from the doctor can bring a huge difference. Diagnosis of the root cause and analyzing the symptoms can help determine the path for treatment.

Read the full blog: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/women-getting-more-hair-transplants/

Tummy Tuck Operation For Women

Tummy tuck for women: A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that helps in removing excess fat and skin from the tummy. It is also known as abdominoplasty. The tummy tuck surgery not only helps in removing excess skin from the abdomen but also helps in strengthening the muscles in the abdominal wall.

Several women experience increase in fat in abdominal area post-pregnancy or as a result of significant weight gain. Sometimes, it can be challenging to get rid of stubborn fat from a particular area. Tummy is considered a problem area by a lot of women and even men! However, a tummy tuck for women is the answer to all your abdominal fat woes!

Reasons to Get Tummy Tuck Done

  1. People with excessive fat in the belly region.
  2. Poor skin elasticity post weight loss or pregnancy.
  3. Shredded fat in women post pregnancy.
  4. Old age makes abdominal skin loose and sagging.
  5. Hormonal changes in the body.
  6. C-section delivery in women.
  7. Weight fluctuations.
  8. Weak connective tissues in the tummy.

The tummy tuck men and women can help in getting rid of excess fat and loose skin along with tightening and strengthening the weak muscles. Tummy tuck surgery can also help in removing stretch marks and excess skin from the lower abdomen. Below the belly button is the area with the most stubborn fat.

The tummy tuck for women can be combined with other procedures such as body- contouring for gaining optimum results. If a candidate has had liposuction, getting a tummy tuck can be beneficial as liposuction only removes extra fat and tissue while tummy tuck men remove excess skin as well.

Type of Abdominoplasty

  1. Complete Abdominoplasty

This type of tummy tuck surgery is done when a lot of correction needs to be performed. An incision is made around the bikini line, where the pubic hair starts. The amount of excess skin removed decides the length of the scar. The cosmetic surgeon will gradually adjust the skin and the muscles. The entire procedure might take about 2 hours.

2. Mini- abdominoplasty

    This type of tummy tuck for women consists of making a smaller incision. It is ideal for candidates that have lesser skin to be removed. The belly button will not be removed during the surgery. The line of incision and the belly button are kept separate. The surgery takes almost 1-2 hours.

    Read full blog: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/tummy-tuck-operation-for-women/

    Breast Implants Types, surgery, Recovery & Risks.

    For women that are not satisfied with how their breasts look can opt for cosmetic procedures. Breast implant surgery can help in increasing the size and enhancing the shape of the breasts. To begin with the only per-requisite is that the candidate should be in good mental and physical health and have only realistic expectations from the procedure. Furthermore, breast implants are artificial devices which are inserted surgically into the breasts. The implants are either filled with silicone gel or saline.

    Cosmetic surgeons perform breast augmentation surgery. If a candidate opts for implant breast after breast cancer, it is termed breast reconstruction. However, when a healthy individual gets a breast implant, it is known as breast augmentation.

    Who is the Right Candidate for Breast Implants?

    It is a personal decision to get the implant surgery done. For some women, it can be empowering to have a desired body. However, the following can be considered as the right candidate for getting the breast augmentation:

    1. A candidate that has finished the development phase.
    2. Is in good physical health?
    3. Have realistic expectations from the procedure outcome.

    Reasons to get Breast Implants

    1. Restoring the size of the breasts.
    2. Rectifying asymmetry in the breasts.
    3. Restoring the shape and size of the breasts after mastectomy.
    4. Getting the desired size of the breasts.
    5. Improved confidence.

    Types of Breast Implants

    1. Saline-filled Breast Implants

    Saline-filled implants have an outer shell of silicone and are filled with saline solution. While some breast implants are pre-filled, others are filled during the surgical procedure. These implants come in different sizes in textured or smooth shells. The FDA approved implants should be used for augmentation in women of any age. Sometimes, doctors might use revision surgeries for correcting or improving the results of the original surgery.

    1. Silicone- filled Breast Implants

    The silicone breast implant has an outer shell made of silicone and it is filled with silicone gel. Even silicone implants come in various sizes and have textured or smooth shells. The silicone breast implant are approved for breast augmentation in women older than 22. They can also be used for breast reconstruction or revision surgeries that help in correcting the results of an original surgical procedure.

    read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/breast-implants-types-surgery-recovery-risks/

    Tummy Tuck Surgery Procedures

    Tummy Tuck Surgery: A tummy tuck is one of the most common surgeries for enhancing the aesthetics of the patient. A tummy tuck is medically referred to as Abdominoplasty. It happens to be one of the top 5 cosmetic surgical procedures performed across the globe.

    What is Tummy Tuck?

    A tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that is designed to contour and smooth the abdomen and make it firm. The procedure removes excess skin and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall. One of the most common reasons for developing loose and saggy skin around the abdomen is hereditary conditions, pregnancy, aging, previous surgeries, and weight fluctuations.

    Patients that undergo tummy tuck surgery mention that they experience the below mentioned benefits:

    1. A contoured and trim waistline and firm abdomen
    2. Reduced stretch marks
    3. Boost in confidence to buy new clothes and experiment with new styles

    Types of Tummy Tuck

    To begin with, every candidate and their goals or expectations regarding the desired outcome is different. Then, the cosmetic surgeon near Zydus Hospital, recommends the right type of tummy tuck surgery that will help in achieving the desired goals and reduce any concerns about scarring.

    The type of tummy tuck differs because of the amount of excess skin which patients might have. The amount of excess skin that needs to be removed decides the length and location of the incision that the surgeon will make. For an extended tummy tuck, a large incision might be required.

    Full Tummy Tuck

    According to cosmetic surgeon near Ahmedabad, a full tummy tuck is meant for improving the lower and upper abdomen.

    Fully tummy tuck is suitable for candidates that are in overall good health but weakened abdominal muscles and excess skin around the midsection. It will help in flattening and contouring the section above and below the navel.

    The procedure consists of making a small umbilical incision that is not visible externally. The incision is placed below the waistline so that it gets hidden under the patient’s swimsuit and inner wear. The procedure removes necessary skin and tightens the abdominal muscles.

    Read the full: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/tummy-tuck-surgery-procedures/


    Belly fat troubles people of all ages and gender. While mostly it is recommended to adopt a proper diet and workout regime, it doesn’t help in some cases. If the stubborn belly fat refuses to go away, in such cases medical intervention is required. Many people lose significant weight but find it challenging to get rid of that paunch. Thanks to the cosmetic fat removal surgery liposuction, it is now easy to say goodbye to your belly fat and achieve the contour of your dreams.

    What is liposuction?

    For people who are not well versed with Liposuction meaning, itis a technique for the removal of fat from areas such as the belly, thighs, buttocks, arms, love handles, etc. The liposuction surgery uses suction for removal of fat from the desired areas. Liposuction also helps in shaping these areas and offers excellent contouring benefits.

    However, liposuction is not a short cut to weight loss. In fact, it is not ideal for overweight people. They must lose weight via exercise and healthy diet. Liposuction surgery is meant for people close to their ideal body weight but struggling with some fat in specific areas. The procedure might work for people that have fat deposits in specific areas but overall healthy body weight.

    Why is Liposuction Done?

    Now that we are clear about the liposuction meaning, it is time dig a little deeper.

    Liposuction helps in shaping and contouring areas that fail to show positive results even after exercise and diet. These areas are chest and back, chin and neck, abdomen, buttocks, upper arms, calves and ankles, hips and thighs. The procedure can also help men experiencing extra tissue growth in men, known as Gynecomastia.

    Gaining weight leads to an increase in the size of fat cells. Liposuction surgery helps in decreasing the number of fat cells in a particular area that you get treated. The amount of fat to be removed depends on the volume of fat in the area.

    The weight changes post the surgery and is permanent till the time you try to maintain the weight. After the surgery, the skin adjusts itself to the new size and shape. If the candidate has good skin elasticity, the skin retracts and looks smooth for some time. However, if the skin is thin and not elastic enough, the treated area might look loose.

    It is to be known that liposuction doesn’t alter the appearance of cellulite or stretch marks. In order to get the liposuction surgery, the candidate must be in good health condition so that the surgery doesn’t get difficult.

    Read full: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/how-to-remove-fat-from-belly/

    Rhinoplasty Procedure- Nose Job, Types, and Recovery

    Nose Surgery Near Me: Rhinoplasty is also known as a nose job. It is one of the most common types of cosmetic surgery across the globe. The reason behind the surgery might vary but as a result of the surgery, one witnesses improved appearance and fixed medical issues interfering with breathing. Rhinoplasty is not just meant for aesthetic reasons but also for medical reasons such as correcting a broken nose or a deviated septum. It is also called as nose surgery.

    What is Rhinoplasty?

    It is a cosmetic procedure that helps in changing the shape and size of the nose. Some people opt for cosmetic Rhinoplasty for improving the appearance of nose and face. There are candidates who opt for functional Rhinoplasty that helps in improving nasal function and breathing. Surgeons performing nasal surgery are trained and experienced. You can find the best Rhinoplasty surgeon in Ahmedabad by little research and asking for recommendations.

    Who is the right Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

    1. If you wish to correct the congenital abnormality.
    2. Improve the appearance of the face.
    3. Open blocked nasal passage.
    4. Repair nose fracture.
    5. Restore breathing after traumatic injuries, cancer treatments, burns, etc.

    Eligibility Criteria for Rhinoplasty

    1. A candidate must be in good physical health.
    2. They should not smoke.
    3. Have a reality check of the limitations of the surgery and have reasonable goals.

    What does a Rhinoplasty Do?

    1. It can help in correcting a nose that looks droopy, upturned, bulbous, and hooked.
    2. A nose job can help in correcting a deviated septum.
    3. It can fix the nostrils which are too wide, large, or small, or turn upwards.
    4. It can help in getting rid of the bumps and dips on the bridge of the nose.
    5. Rhinoplasty can make the nose big or small for creating facial balance.
    6. It can help in opening blocked nasal passages.

    Types of Rhinoplasty

    • Open

    Open Rhinoplasty helps in reshaping the nose. The surgeon makes an incision for separating the skin of the nose from the bone and cartilage which enables them to see the anatomy of the nose.

    • Closed

    It is a minor procedure for reshaping the nose. The surgeon makes an incision within the nose for separating the skin from bone and cartilage and reshaping it.

    • Cosmetic

    It helps in improving the appearance of the face and nose.

    • Non-surgical

    This type of Rhinoplasty makes use of dermal fillers for filling the dip temporarily. The procedure helps in lifting a droopy nasal tip and correcting a small bump.

    Read the full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/rhinoplasty-procedure-nose-job-types-and-recovery/

    What is Breast Augmentation?

    Breast augmentation is a common cosmetic surgery that makes use of implants or fat transfer for enhancing the shape and size of the breasts. There are different types of breast implants as well as surgical procedures. Only a cosmetic surgeon can suggest which option is suitable based on the specific needs of the candidate.

    Types of Breast Augmentation

    Breast Implant Types: There are two different types of breast augmentation- breast implants and fat transfer augmentation. Even within these two categories, there are various options depending on how the candidate wishes the breast to look and feel. Certain type of implants is FDA- approved for specific age-group. It is essential to completely research and know the pros and cons of each implant option. Getting a consultation from a certified and experienced plastic surgeon before choosing breast augmentation is a must.

    Breast implants are one of the most common types of breast augmentation surgery. The options consist of:

    Saline Breast Implants

    These implants contain sterile saline. If the implants ever break inside the breast, the body will easily absorb the saline and get rid of it naturally.

    Structured Saline Breast Implants

    These implants contain sterile saline and come with an internal structure that helps in making the implant feel more natural.

    Silicone Breast Implants

    These implants are made of silicone gel. If the implant happens to break, the get would stay inside the shell or leak into the breast.

    Candidates that opt for silicone implants need to visit the cosmetic surgeon on a regular interval to ensure that the implants are working properly.

    Form-stable Breast Implants

    This type of implant is known as a gummy bear breast implant as they keep the shape intact even if the implant shell is damaged. These implants are made of a thick silicone gel and they are firmer as compared to traditional implants. The form-stable implants need a longer incision for the surgery on your skin.

    Round Breast Implants

    Round implants make the breasts appear fuller. As they are round all over, they don’t change the appearance of the breasts or rotate out of their place.

    Smooth Breast Implants

    These implants feel quite soft compared to different types of implants. Smooth breast implants typically make the breast movement appear natural as compared to other implants.

    Read full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/breast-augmentation-what-it-is-types-recovery/