What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a common cosmetic surgery that makes use of implants or fat transfer for enhancing the shape and size of the breasts. There are different types of breast implants as well as surgical procedures. Only a cosmetic surgeon can suggest which option is suitable based on the specific needs of the candidate.

Types of Breast Augmentation

Breast Implant Types: There are two different types of breast augmentation- breast implants and fat transfer augmentation. Even within these two categories, there are various options depending on how the candidate wishes the breast to look and feel. Certain type of implants is FDA- approved for specific age-group. It is essential to completely research and know the pros and cons of each implant option. Getting a consultation from a certified and experienced plastic surgeon before choosing breast augmentation is a must.

Breast implants are one of the most common types of breast augmentation surgery. The options consist of:

Saline Breast Implants

These implants contain sterile saline. If the implants ever break inside the breast, the body will easily absorb the saline and get rid of it naturally.

Structured Saline Breast Implants

These implants contain sterile saline and come with an internal structure that helps in making the implant feel more natural.

Silicone Breast Implants

These implants are made of silicone gel. If the implant happens to break, the get would stay inside the shell or leak into the breast.

Candidates that opt for silicone implants need to visit the cosmetic surgeon on a regular interval to ensure that the implants are working properly.

Form-stable Breast Implants

This type of implant is known as a gummy bear breast implant as they keep the shape intact even if the implant shell is damaged. These implants are made of a thick silicone gel and they are firmer as compared to traditional implants. The form-stable implants need a longer incision for the surgery on your skin.

Round Breast Implants

Round implants make the breasts appear fuller. As they are round all over, they don’t change the appearance of the breasts or rotate out of their place.

Smooth Breast Implants

These implants feel quite soft compared to different types of implants. Smooth breast implants typically make the breast movement appear natural as compared to other implants.

Read full blog here: https://mayfairaestheticsurgery.com/breast-augmentation-what-it-is-types-recovery/

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